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Klasifikācijas turnīrs 2. sporta klasēm (RŠS)

Last update 12.10.2014 13:29:45, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IITihijs Aleksejs1750LAT 16w1 3b1 28w½ 7b1 8w1 6b1 4w½6223025
2IIUļnirovs Daniils1750LAT 30b1 34w1 5b½ 17w½ 9b1 4w½ 7b15,519,52622,5
3IIBirznieks Juris1750LAT 29b1 1w0 34b½ 22w1 16w1 19b1 6w15,51724,519,5
4IIMarštupa Rodions1750LAT 10w1 8b0 26w1 23b1 21w1 2b½ 1b½520,529,520,5
5IISmirnovs Kārlis1750LAT 17w1 26b1 2w½ 28b1 6w½ 7w0 14b1519,527,522
6IITkačovs Rodions1750LAT 18w1 25b1 19w1 9w1 5b½ 1w0 3b04,5223123,5
7IIMjatežs Ivans1750LAT 11b½ 15w1 22b1 1w0 28w1 5b1 2w04,521,53019,5
8IITiseļska Alise1750LAT 13b1 4w1 9b0 11w1 1b0 16b½ 17w14,52130,519
9IIBirmans Daniels1750LAT 14w1 21b1 8w1 6b0 2w0 12b½ 19w14,520,52920
10IIZāgs Tomass1750LAT 4b0 13w½ 11b0 35w1 34b1 21b+ 16w14,51622,513
11IIBergs Mārtiņš1750LAT 7w½ 23b0 10w1 8b0 18w½ 25b1 27w1418,52613
12IIVāravs Henrijs1750LAT 25w0 18b0 -1 15w1 30b1 9w½ 13b½41824,513,5
13IIKorņijenko Deniss1750LAT 8w0 10b½ 21w0 32b1 20w1 22b1 12w½41824,512,5
14IIPakula Artēmijs1750LAT 9b0 35w1 17w0 26b1 23w1 27b1 5w041723,515
15IIDundurs Henriks1750LAT 21w0 7b0 32w1 12b0 29w1 33b1 23w1414,52111
16IIIvanova Katrīna1750LAT 1b0 29w1 20b1 24w1 3b0 8w½ 10b03,52129,516
17IIErdmanis Artūrs1750LAT 5b0 32w1 14b1 2b½ 19w0 28w+ 8b03,519,52715
18IIKukļins Martins1750LAT 6b0 12w1 24b0 20w½ 11b½ 31w1 22b½3,517,52412
19IIStanka Katarīna1750LAT 35b1 22w½ 6b0 34w1 17b1 3w0 9b03,5172417
20IIRastorgujeva Alīna1750LAT 27w1 28b0 16w0 18b½ 13b0 30w1 31b13,514,520,512
21IISkugarevs Dmitrijs1750LAT 15b1 9w0 13b1 30w1 4b0 10w- -0320,527,516
22IIBurenkovs Artjoms1750LAT 33w1 19b½ 7w0 3b0 24b1 13w0 18w½318,52613,5
23IIAbidovs Eldars1750LAT 34b0 11w1 25b1 4w0 14b0 24w1 15b031824,513
24IIŠapošņikovs Ivans1750LAT -0 -1 18w1 16b0 22w0 23b0 33w1316,52212
25IIMarusčaks Ņikita1750LAT 12b1 6w0 23w0 33b1 27b0 11w0 34b13162212
26IIBinders Alekss1750LAT 32b1 5w0 4b0 14w0 31b0 34w1 30b131521,510
27IIDaļeckis Deniss1750LAT 20b0 30w0 31b1 29b1 25w1 14w0 11b03152112
28IIŠarigins Ņikita1750LAT -1 20w1 1b½ 5w0 7b0 17b- -02,52029,515,5
29IIPetunovs Aleksandrs1750LAT 3w0 16b0 35b1 27w0 15b0 32w½ -12,516237
30IIMahadbekovs Mahmuds1750LAT 2w0 27b1 33w1 21b0 12w0 20b0 26w0216,52411
31IIJaldovs Dmitrijs1750LAT -0 33b0 27w0 -1 26w1 18b0 20w0216,5227
32IINaumenko Aleksandrs1750LAT 26w0 17b0 15b0 13w0 -1 29b½ 35w½216,5224,5
33IIPrauliņš Ernests1750LAT 22b0 31w1 30b0 25w0 35b1 15w0 24b021318,59
34IIMicko Leonīds1750LAT 23w1 2b0 3w½ 19b0 10w0 26b0 25w01,519,5289,5
35IIGeislers Patriks1750LAT 19w0 14b0 29w0 10b0 33w0 -1 32b½1,515,5222,5

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break