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XI Latgale chess autumn blitz

Last update 13.10.2014 07:00:53, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1NMPutka Verners2376LAT 22w1 35b1 8w1 6b1 4w1 2b1 3w½ 5b1 12w18,541,552,52476
2GMPodolchenko Evgeniy2418BLR 38b1 20w1 10b1 3w½ 17b1 1w0 8b1 7w1 4b17,54152,52285
3FMTrifonov Denis2274BLR 23w1 18b1 14w1 2b½ 20w1 4b1 1b½ 9w1 5w½7,540532300
4MKAlipovs Anatoljs1989LAT 39w1 36b1 7w1 11b1 1b0 3w0 14b1 6w1 2w0640,551,52117
5MKMalyshev Roman2263RUS 19b1 16w½ 13b0 21b1 11w1 10w1 7b1 1w0 3b½640532088
6MKPolakovs Viktors2100LAT 24w1 27b1 9w1 1w0 14b1 7b0 11w1 4b0 25w1637,550,52079
7MKKrilovs Nikolajs2076LAT 34b1 26w1 4b0 13w1 28b1 6w1 5w0 2b0 15w1636,547,52097
8MKKalinouski Siarhei2026BLR 31b1 28w1 1b0 12w½ 33b1 13w1 2w0 15b½ 16w1636482078
9NMStepanov Timofej2285LAT 25b½ 15w1 6b0 34w1 12b½ 28w1 17b1 3b0 14w1635461973
10MKKlachkou Tsimafei2041BLR 30w1 21b1 2w0 20b0 23w1 5b0 38w1 18b1 17w1633,5441979
11MKAntonovich Tatiana1591BLR 13b½ 25w1 16b1 4w0 5b0 33w1 6b0 26b1 22w15,535,5452007
12MKKovalevsky Stanislav1804BLR 36w0 42b1 23w1 8b½ 9w½ 19b1 15b½ 13w1 1b05,534,545,51975
13MKSarbay Aleksandr2097BLR 11w½ 33b1 5w1 7b0 35w1 8b0 16w½ 12b0 30w1535,5451921
14MKNovoksconovs Vladimirs1830LAT 32b1 37w1 3b0 38w1 6w0 22b1 4w0 24b1 9b053444,51974
15IShakhov Dmitry V.1878RUS 33w½ 9b0 36w½ 29b1 21w1 20b1 12w½ 8w½ 7b0534431991
16MKMukovozchik Evgeny1768BLR 40w1 5b½ 11w0 33b0 30w1 26b1 13b½ 19w1 8b0533,5421897
17IZenchanka Pavel1855BLR 21w0 39b1 22w1 18b1 2w0 38b1 9w0 28b1 10b0533431907
18ILimanovska Elizabete1702LAT 45b1 3w0 37b1 17w0 19b0 31w1 23b1 10w0 29w1531,5401803
19IZiskins Ilja1595LAT 5w0 29b1 24w0 45b1 18w1 12w0 34b1 16b0 28w1531,538,51830
20IGrapmanis Edgars1781LAT 44b1 2b0 30w1 10w1 3b0 15w0 22b½ 25w0 38b14,534,5441874
21IKirillin Dmitry1850BLR 17b1 10w0 26b1 5w0 15b0 27b½ 35w1 23w0 34b14,53342,51848
22IDombrovska Stefanija1674LAT 1b0 32w1 17b0 41w1 31b1 14w0 20w½ 27b1 11b04,532,543,51825
23IHorobrijs Daniils1595LAT 3b0 44w1 12b0 43w1 10b0 29w1 18w0 21b1 24w½4,53241,51854
24MKSkonda Nikolajs1867LAT 6b0 31w1 19b1 28w0 38b0 32w1 25b1 14w0 23b½4,531401712
25IVasilevskis Glebs1615LAT 9w½ 11b0 33w0 42b1 39w1 35b1 24w0 20b1 6b04,53038,51804
26ISavickiene Virginija1728LTU 29w1 7b0 21w0 39b½ 36b1 16w0 31b1 11w0 33b14,529,5381759
27MKKalyamin Andrey1960RUS 42b1 6w0 38b0 31w0 34b1 21w½ 33b1 22w0 37b14,52634,51714
28IDmitriev Ivan1700RUS 43w1 8b0 45w1 24b1 7w0 9b0 30w1 17w0 19b0433401794
29IIZablotski Yaraslau1750BLR 26b0 19w0 32b1 15w0 41b1 23b0 40w1 38w1 18b0428,5361683
30IDolmantas Martynas1530LTU 10b0 41w1 20b0 37w1 16b0 43w1 28b0 32w1 13b042836,51767
31IMecelis Arturas J1429LTU 8w0 24b0 40w1 27b1 22w0 18b0 26w0 45w1 39b1428351709
32IShaida Gennadi1850BLR 14w0 22b0 29w0 40b1 45w1 24b0 41w1 30b0 42w1424,530,51641
33MKLubinecis Anatolijs2108LAT 15b½ 13w0 25b1 16w1 8w0 11b0 27w0 35b1 26w03,53443,51742
34ITitov Artem1577RUS 7w0 43b1 35w½ 9b0 27w0 39b1 19w0 44b1 21w03,528,536,51733
35ILeonova Ameliya1738BLR 41b1 1w0 34b½ 36w1 13b0 25w0 21b0 33w0 40b13,526,537,51806
36IZeliantsova Kseniya1850BLR 12b1 4w0 15b½ 35b0 26w0 41w0 37b0 -1 44w13,526341645
37IIIKlachkou Platon1650BLR -1 14b0 18w0 30b0 40w0 44b½ 36w1 41b1 27w03,525,532,51624
38IZiedins Roberts1690LAT 2w0 40b1 27w1 14b0 24w1 17w0 10b0 29b0 20w0333,543,51792
39INoreika Normantas1413LTU 4b0 17w0 44b1 26w½ 25b0 34w0 -1 42b½ 31w0326,534,51469
40IIMakarau Yauheni1750BLR 16b0 38w0 31b0 32w0 37b1 -1 29b0 43w1 35w032431,51498
41IITaraikovski Mikhail1750BLR 35w0 30b0 42w1 22b0 29w0 36b1 32b0 37w0 -132430,51481
42ILeonovs Jegors1352LAT 27w0 12w0 41b0 25w0 -1 45b½ 43b1 39w½ 32b0322,5291519
43IIIKazachenka Maryia1650BLR 28b0 34w0 -1 23b0 44w1 30b0 42w0 40b0 45w1321,5271420
44IIGutauskas Naglis1750LTU 20w0 23b0 39w0 -1 43b0 37w½ 45b1 34w0 36b02,521,5271395
45IIIGadzalijevs Rauls1650LAT 18w0 -1 28b0 19w0 32b0 42w½ 44w0 31b0 43b01,525,532,51185

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)