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Last update 28.07.2014 10:06:04, Creator/Last Upload: Alexandre Ber

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd TB1 
1Weston Paul1963CAN -1 40b1 83w1 30b1 4w1 3w½ 13b17,5
Pinho Tiago1889CAN 91b0 44w1 71b1 9w½ 67b1 63w1 43b1 5w1 3b17,5
3Germain Michel1947CAN 38b1 39w1 74w1 18b1 14w1 4b½ 13w1 1b½ 2w07
Thanabalachandran Kajan1798CAN 85b1 27w1 78b½ 80w+ 45w1 3w½ 1b0 17w1 18b17
5Chang Michael1912CAN 44w1 63b½ 12w1 30b½ 38w½ 45b1 11w1 2b0 24w16,5
Gunapalan David1912CAN 40w0 73b1 16w1 7b1 20w1 11b½ 22b1 13w½ 10b½6,5
Joanis Marc-André1830CAN 41b½ 47w1 83b½ 6w0 58w1 24b1 18w½ 45b1 28w16,5
Mok Yuen Tak1816CAN -1 43w0 23w1 41b½ 74b1 29w1 19b½ 20w16,5
Perna-Fraser David1812CAN 83w0 75b1 88w1 2b½ 26w½ 14b1 30w1 20b½ 19w16,5
Pulfer Luke1784CAN 69b1 78w0 89w1 74b1 18w1 29b½ 19w½ 34b1 6w½6,5
11Miettinen Eric1854CAN 24b½ 62w1 25b1 55w1 17b½ 6w½ 5b0 49w1 16b½6
Ouellet Maili-Jade1813CAN 95b1 80w½ 5b0 37w0 47w1 83b1 57w1 26b½ 30w16
Petit Raymond1789CAN -1 77w1 86b½ 39w1 63b1 43w1 3b0 6b½ 1w06
Abdelaal Ibrahim1784CAN -1 42w½ 28b½ 71w1 3b0 9w0 67b1 29b1 34w16
Zhou David1707CAN 42b0 60w1 20b0 52w½ 61w½ 70b1 32w1 50b1 35w16
Kearnan Daniel1618CAN -1 20w1 6b0 91w+ 30w0 50b1 35w½ 33b1 11w½6
17Shah Omaray M.1999CAN 61w½ 54b1 67w½ 57b1 11w½ 35b1 34w½ 4b0 26w½5,5
Have Didier1992CAN 71b1 37w1 22b1 3w0 10b0 46w1 7b½ 25w1 4w05,5
Pomerantz Daniel1937CAN 65b1 -1 63w0 53b+ 46b1 22w½ 10b½ 8w½ 9b05,5
Barko Maxim1887CAN 64w1 16b0 15w1 35b1 6b0 59w1 55b1 9w½ 8b05,5
Mckay Brian1833CAN 76w1 46b0 69w1 29b½ 24w0 57b0 68w1 38b1 45w15,5
Desautels Richard1813CAN 68w1 -1 18w0 32b1 80w+ 19b½ 6w0 24b0 46w15,5
Moran-Venegas Mario1707CAN 43w0 36b0 73w½ 8b0 85w1 54b1 61w1 48b1 42w15,5
Baran Marius1700CAN 11w½ 81b0 95b1 41w1 21b1 7w0 37b1 22w1 5b05,5
Jobin Gilles G.1679CAN 89w1 43b½ 11w0 87b+ 60b1 33b½ 42w1 18b0 31w½5,5
Ma Indy1664CAN 49b1 60w½ 9b½ 56w½ 63b1 12w½ 17b½5,5
Luo Alan1594CAN 36w1 4b0 37b½ 77w+ 35w0 32b0 44w1 51b1 43w15,5
Low Kevin1573CAN 37b0 38w0 14w½ -1 62b1 39w1 56b1 43w1 7b05,5
29Libersan Mattieu1965CAN 56b0 64w1 59b1 21w½ 37b1 10w½ 8b0 14w0 49b15
Sarra-Bournet Marc1911CAN 72b1 56w1 45b½ 5w½ 16b1 1w0 9b0 55w1 12b05
Leblanc Paul1907CAN 73w1 45b0 53w0 61b1 57w½ 49w0 72b1 56w1 25b½5
Nardone Raul1887CAN 74b0 72w1 38b1 22w0 56b0 27w1 15b0 66w1 55b15
Lee Brendon1875CAN 82w1 40b1 55b½ 46w½ 48b½ 25w½ 49b½ 16w0 39b½5
Yie Kevin Yi-Xiao1874CAN 66b1 55w0 39b½ 58w1 76b1 48w1 17b½ 10w0 14b05
Couture Alain1830CAN 75w1 56b1 20w0 27b1 17w0 16b½ 58w1 15b05
Krasnosheky Valery1802CAN 27b0 23w1 58b0 69w1 59b0 41w1 46b0 76w1 61b15
Saha Ananda1791CAN 28w1 18b0 27w½ 12b1 29w0 47b1 24w0 57b½ 59w15
Caron Harvey1751CAN 3w0 28b1 32w0 -1 5b½ 67w½ 76b1 21w0 58b15
Steinberg Ellis1744CAN 97w1 3b0 34w½ 13b0 68w1 28b0 83w1 47b1 33w½5
Richardson Kai1709CAN 6b1 33w0 42b0 1w0 71b1 53w0 70w1 60b1 50w15
Johnson-Constantin Matthieu1648CAN 7w½ 97b1 81w0 24b0 8w½ 36b0 74w1 53b1 52w15
42Langlois-Remillard Alexis1860CAN 15w1 14b½ 40w1 79b+ 43b0 55w½ 25b0 46w½ 23b04,5
Baumgartner Christopher1766US 23b1 25w½ 8b1 78w+ 42w1 13b0 2w0 28b0 27b04,5
He Shao Hang1743CAN 5b0 2b0 70w1 48w0 93b1 51w½ 27b0 69w1 68b14,5
Zhou Jiehan1735CAN -1 31w1 30w½ 68b1 4b0 5w0 48b1 7w0 21b04,5
Lee Nicholas1696CAN 60b1 21w1 79w½ 33b½ 19w0 18b0 36w1 42b½ 22b04,5
Liu Yu Qing1674CAN 81b½ 7b0 65w1 95w1 12b0 37w0 62b1 39w0 73b14,5
Ness Richard1509CAN 97w1 44b1 33w½ 34b0 45w0 23w0 62b14,5
Zhou Aiden1485CAN 67w1 87b0 26w0 82b1 74w1 31b1 33w½ 11b0 29w04,5
50Goldner John1912CAN -1 59w1 55b0 16w0 64b1 15w0 40b04
Itkine Victor1854CAN 57w0 82b½ 76w0 84b½ 73w1 44b½ 59b1 27w0 56b½4
O'connor Michael1841CAN 59w0 76b½ 82w½ 15b½ 72b½ 58b0 84w1 67w1 41b04
Salazar Andres1770CAN 77b0 85w1 31b1 19w- 64w0 40b1 58w0 41w0 74b14
Villeneuve Benoît1745CAN 79b0 17w0 66b1 56w0 69b½ 23w0 75b1 65w½ 76b14
Cashin Sean (ken)1708CAN 70w1 34b1 33w½ 11b0 50w1 42b½ 20w0 30b0 32w04
Lafleche Alain1702CAN 29w1 30b0 35w0 54b1 32w1 26b½ 28w0 31b0 51w½4
Autotte Daniel1700CAN 51b1 17w0 31b½ 21w1 12b0 37w½ -04
Selmani Sam1647CAN 98w1 74w0 36w1 34b0 7b0 52w1 53b1 35b0 38w04
O'neill Brendon1489CAN 52b1 -1 29w0 50b0 36w1 20b0 51w0 64w1 37b04
60Krolczyk Jacob1849CAN 46w0 15b0 75w1 26b½ 25w0 66b½ 82b1 40w0 65b½3,5
Gauthier Luc1781CAN 17b½ 79w0 77b½ 31w0 15b½ 69w1 23b0 72w1 36w03,5
Zumsteg Nicolas1780CAN 87w½ 11b0 68w0 85b1 28w0 84b1 47w0 83b1 48w03,5
Moore Ronald1751CAN -1 5w½ 19b1 81w+ 13w0 2b0 26w0 -0 -03,5
Medawar Jean-Marc1721CAN 20b0 29b0 85b½ -1 53b1 76w½ 50w0 59b0 67w½3,5
O'brien Frank1721CAN 19w0 -0 47b0 75b½ 88w1 68b0 85w1 54b½ 60w½3,5
Desmarais Serge1711CAN 34w0 89b0 54w0 88b½ 75w1 60w½ 71b1 32b0 72w½3,5
Selling Edward1663CAN 49b0 70w1 17b½ 89w+ 2w0 38b½ 14w0 52b0 64b½3,5
Lacroix Serge1647CAN 22b0 95w½ 62b1 45w0 39b0 65w1 21b0 71w1 44w03,5
Sharpe Michael1526CAN 10w0 -1 21b0 36b0 54w½ 61b0 88w1 44b0 84w13,5
70Armstrong Robert J.1845CAN 55b0 67b0 44b0 97w+ 82w1 15w0 40b0 73w0 85w13
Young Alex1770CAN 18w0 84b1 2w0 14b0 40w0 73b1 66w0 68b0 -13
Solis Jaime1733CAN 30w0 32b0 84w½ 73b½ 52w½ 88b1 31w0 61b0 66b½3
St-Cyr Xavier1730CAN 31b0 6w0 23b½ 72w½ 51b0 71w0 -1 70b1 47w03
Lamoureux Yvon1715CAN 32w1 58b1 3b0 10w0 49b0 8w0 41b0 88w1 53w03
Tremblay Mario1657CAN 35b0 9w0 60b0 65w½ 66b0 93w+ 54w0 85b½ 82b13
White Chris1648CAN 21b0 52w½ 51b1 86w+ 34w0 64b½ 38w0 36b0 54w03
77Villeneuve Robert1993CAN 53w1 13b0 61w½ 27b- -1 -0 -0 -0 -02,5
Liard Serge1984CAN 90w1 10b1 4w½ 43b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -02,5
Ingram Richard1929CAN 54w1 61b1 46b½ 42w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -02,5
Ming Wenyang1929CAN 84w1 12b½ 87w1 4b- 22b- -0 -0 -0 -02,5
Blanchet Robert1832CAN 47w½ 24w1 41b1 63b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -02,5
Robichaud Nicolas1715CAN 33b0 51w½ 52b½ 49w0 70b0 90w+ 60w0 84b½ 75w02,5
Nica Ion1633CAN 9b1 7w½ 1b0 12w0 39b0 62w0 -02,5
Mathews Theo1594CAN 80b0 71w0 72b½ 51w½ 90b1 62w0 52b0 82w½ 69b02,5
85Gao Christine1587CAN 4w0 53b0 64w½ 62w0 23b0 -1 65b0 75w½ 70b02
86Nunez Omar1948CAN -0 -1 13w½ 76b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,5
Gauthier Denis1940CAN 62b½ 49w1 80b0 25w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,5
Khudaverdian Berj1680CAN 9b0 66w½ 65b0 72w0 69b0 74b0 -01,5
89Forget David1840CAN 25b0 66w1 10b0 67b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -01
Liu Daniel1752CAN 78b0 93w- 84w0 82b- -0 -0 -01
Grenier Jean-Luc1728CAN 2w1 -0 -0 16b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -01
Dube Daniel1581CAN -1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01
Gardener Daniel1259CAN -0 -0 -1 90b- 44w0 75b- -0 -0 -01
94Bleau John1917CAN -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,5
Balogh Alex1789CAN 12w0 68b½ 24w0 47b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,5
96Vettese Nicholas1943CAN -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Desjardins Michel1925CAN 39b0 41w0 48b0 70b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Morin Louis1812CAN 58b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00

Tie Break1: points (game-points)