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III Limbazi International Chess Festival ''Vidzeme summer- 2014''Children''B"

Last update 25.07.2014 12:38:12, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IAntonivs Vladislavs1789LAT 25b1 4w0 23b1 18b1 6w1 20w1 2b1 7w1 3b0738491944
2IUsacheva Glafira1564RUS 35w1 6b1 20w0 9b1 21w1 5b1 1w0 8b1 7w173847,51933
3ILokastovs Daniils1850LAT 26w0 29b½ 27b1 10w½ 9w1 21b1 18w1 6b1 1w1732421939
4IPakalns Raivis Kristians1835LAT 21w1 1b1 5w0 36b1 7w0 10w1 11b½ 12b1 13w16,536,545,51841
5IVissarionovs Artjoms1509LAT 34b1 22w1 4b1 12w½ 20b1 2w0 7b0 11w1 10b16,535,5451884
6IAizstrauts Arturs1828LAT 32b1 2w0 16b1 11w1 1b0 14w1 13b1 3w0 18b1638,548,51733
7ITimrots Adolfs1775LAT 30w1 8b0 31w1 29b1 4b1 13w1 5w1 1b0 2b063746,51778
8IZhuravlev Ignat1459RUS 17b1 7w1 13w0 21b0 15w1 12b1 20b1 2w0 14b1635461807
9IIDombrovskis Vladislavs1750LAT 11b0 33w1 14b1 2w0 3b0 27w½ 28b1 26w1 22b15,531,5411751
10IMierins Imants1654LAT 15w1 18b½ 12w0 3b½ 35w1 4b0 17b1 23w1 5w0536,5461748
11IGolsta Ramona1471LAT 9w1 20b0 35w1 6b0 18w1 16b1 4w½ 5b0 12w½536,545,51752
12IOvcinkins Arsenijs1798LAT 33b1 14w1 10b1 5b½ 13w0 8w0 26b1 4w0 11b½536451629
13IGolsta Madara1575LAT 23b1 28w1 8b1 20w0 12b1 7b0 6w0 22w1 4b0535451808
14IPetrovska Arina1369LAT 19w1 12b0 9w0 26w1 23b1 6b0 24w1 20b1 8w053342,51781
15IIBardins Matiss1750LAT 10b0 16w0 32b1 24w1 8b0 17w0 36b1 21w1 23b1530381750
16IIMatrosovs Aleksandrs1750LAT 18w0 15b1 6w0 33b1 29w1 11w0 22b0 24b1 28w152937,51741
17IIGolubov Maksim1750LTU 8w0 31b0 30w1 28w1 22b0 15b1 10w0 29b1 20w1527,5361760
18INikolaev Daniil A.1353RUS 16b1 10w½ 26b1 1w0 11b0 22w1 3b0 27w1 6w04,535,5461739
19IIKozubovski Edgar1750LTU 14b0 23w0 25b1 22w0 28b½ 34w1 27b0 35w1 26b14,52532,51723
20IStrods Kristaps Reinis1808LAT 24b1 11w1 2b1 13b1 5w0 1b0 8w0 14w0 17b0439,550,51539
21IIStrautins Roberts1750LAT 4b0 34w1 22b1 8w1 2b0 3w0 23b0 15b0 33w143544,51670
22IGrickus Andris1806LAT 36w1 5b0 21w0 19b1 17w1 18b0 16w1 13b0 9w0433,5421617
23IIBergs Martins1750LAT 13w0 19b1 1w0 31b1 14w0 36b1 21w1 10b0 15w0431401628
24IIIkstena Sarlote1750LAT 20w0 30b1 29w0 15b0 31w1 35b1 14b0 16w0 27b142633,51660
25IIBackovskis Emils1750LAT 1w0 36b0 19w0 34w1 27b0 33b0 32w1 30b1 29w1422311700
26IIPraulins Ernests1750LAT 3b1 27w½ 18w0 14b0 36w1 29b1 12w0 9b0 19w03,531401611
27IIStaris Edvards1750LAT 29w½ 26b½ 3w0 35b0 25w1 9b½ 19w1 18b0 24w03,52938,51648
28ILipkins Marks1828LAT 31w1 13b0 36w0 17b0 19w½ 30b1 9w0 34b1 16b03,527,5351628
29IOlesovs Arturs1850LAT 27b½ 3w½ 24b1 7w0 16b0 26w0 35b1 17w0 25b033140,51639
30IIIKronbergs Martins1650LAT 7b0 24w0 17b0 32w1 34b0 28w0 33b1 25w0 36b1324,532,51625
31IIIGrava Ricards1650LAT 28b0 17w1 7b0 23w0 24b0 32w1 34b0 33w0 35b+324,532,51557
32IIVanags Edmunds1750LAT 6w0 35b0 15w0 30b0 33w1 31b0 25b0 36w1 34w1322301600
33IIIJakobsons Davids1650LAT 12w0 9b0 34b½ 16w0 32b0 25w1 30w0 31b1 21b02,526,534,51567
34IIBodniece Lasma1750LAT 5w0 21b0 33w½ 25b0 30w1 19b0 31w1 28w0 32b02,524,533,51533
35IIBiezais Uvis1750LAT 2b0 32w1 11b0 27w1 10b0 24w0 29w0 19b0 31w-228381499
36IIIndriksons Ralfs1750LAT 22b0 25w1 28b1 4w0 26b0 23w0 15w0 32b0 30w022736,51543

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable With parameter)