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XVI Open Internacional Escacs Torredembarra B

Darrera actualització13.07.2014 18:56:06, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Josep M. Camell Jane

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.NomEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Terreu Serra Francesc2085CAT 25w1 15b1 16w1 14b½ 5w½ 7w1 11b0 24b½ 19w½654051,50
2Blasco Cusido Francesc2083CAT 26b½ 41w1 18b1 8w1 7b0 14w1 4b0 -0 -04,5183646,50
3Villar Ariño Victor2059CAT 27w1 16b0 17w1 20b1 11w0 24b½ 10w1 9b½ 34w½5,51136,545,50
4Vizcaino Pero David2047CAT -0 31b½ 46w1 41w1 12b1 9b1 2w1 11w½ 5b06635,5460
5Aubanell Ber Sergi2039CAT 28b1 18w½ 36b1 12w1 1b½ 34w1 7b0 15w1 4w1723950,50
6Salvat Duch Carles Enric2015CAT 29w1 19b0 33w1 27b0 31w1 25b1 24w0 17b1 16w05163241,50
7Barberans Sola Sebastia1977CAT 30b1 24w1 12b½ 19w1 2w1 1b0 5w1 34b1 11w17,5141,5530
8Girona Masdeu Joan1973CAT 31w1 20b1 19w½ 2b0 24w0 27b0 35w0 22b0 42w½33733420
9Carrete Recasens Jordi1951CAT 32b1 36w½ 26b½ 24w½ 19b1 4w0 18b½ 3w½ 12w04,51738480
10Aldeguer Latorre Josep1946CAT 33w0 35b1 -0 38b½ 42w1 36w1 3b0 41w1 18b04,52031,540,50
11Terrones Hernandez Jonathan1943CAT 34b1 47w1 14b0 26w1 3b1 15w1 1w1 4b½ 7b06,5337470
12Caballero Gomez-Casero Emilio1937CAT 35w1 33b1 7w½ 5b0 4w0 20b1 -0 38w1 9b15,51036,546,50
13Girona Masdeu Jordi1936CAT 36b0 32w0 37b1 33w1 26b0 41w0 42b1 39b½ 46w½43226330
14Masalias Mira Marc1925CAT 38w1 46b1 11w1 1w½ 15b0 2b0 16w½ 19b0 35w042637,5480
15Pino Muñoz Francisca1925CAT 39b1 1w0 30b1 28w1 14w1 11b0 27w1 5b0 24w051437480
16Valle Romeu Marc1914CAT 40w+ 3w1 1b0 34w0 28b1 18w½ 14b½ 26w1 6b16834,544,50
17Carabaño Crivelle Joan Ramon1912CAT 41b½ 45w1 3b0 36w½ 32b1 26w1 34b0 6w0 38b½4,52330,538,50
18Comes Nolla Grabriel1912CAT 42w1 5b½ 2w0 31b½ 35w1 16b½ 9w½ 27b1 10w1673545,50
19Caba Torra Joan1899CAT 43b1 6w1 8b½ 7b0 9w0 38w½ 30b1 14w1 1b½5,51231,541,50
20Schweitzer Paul1896GER 44w+ 8w0 32b1 3w0 36b½ 12w0 41b½ 25b0 31w033928,537,50
21Cucurull Deu Salvador1894CAT 45b½ 26w0 41b0 22w1 38b0 42w½ 32b0 -0 -024525,532,50
22Torrents Busquet Martí1876CAT 46w0 38b0 42w0 21b0 -1 37w1 48b½ 8w1 32b14,5252329,50
23Castillo Dalmau Arnau1866CAT 47b0 34w0 39b½ 45w1 41b½ 32w½ 36b½ 30w½ -03,53627350
24Fabregat Planella Joaquim1852CAT 48w1 7b0 29w1 9b½ 8b1 3w½ 6b1 1w½ 15b16,543343,50
25Marce Miracle Joan1846CAT 1b0 37w1 34b0 47w1 48b1 6w0 38b0 20w1 27b042928,5370
26Girona Rovira Albert1841CAT 2w½ 21b1 9w½ 11b0 13w1 17b0 31w1 16b0 39w½4,51932,5420
27Morales Mendizabal Pere1839CAT 3b0 39w1 47b1 6w1 34b0 8w1 15b0 18w0 25w151532,5410
28Llacuna Roca Josep1831CAT 5w0 42b1 38w1 15b0 16w0 35b½ 39w0 31b1 48b½42732,5430
29Marti Olivella Gerard1830CAT 6b0 43w1 24b0 48w0 33b0 47w1 46b½ -0 -02,54125,534,50
30Segura Riba Jose Mª1815CAT 7w0 48b1 15w0 35b0 46w1 33b1 19w0 23b½ 41w14,5213141,50
31Burniol Coch Angel1811CAT 8b0 4w½ 45b1 18w½ 6b0 48w1 26b0 28w0 20b142828,537,50
32Llop Llop Josep1807CAT 9w0 13b1 20w0 46b1 17w0 23b½ 21w1 35b0 22w03,53428360
33Estruch Andreu Lluc1805CAT 10b1 12w0 6b0 13b0 29w1 30w0 43b0 48w0 45b13402836,50
34Burniol Clotet Sergi1803CAT 11w0 23b1 25w1 16b1 27w1 5b0 17w1 7w0 3b½5,593849,50
35Estruch Andreu Guim1797CAT 12b0 10w0 43b1 30w1 18b0 28w½ 8b1 32w1 14b15,5133038,50
36Rovira Chacon Mª Merce1791CAT 13w1 9b½ 5w0 17b½ 20w½ 10b0 23w½ -0 -033830,5400
37Brusco Paris Judith1779CAT -0 25b0 13w0 43w½ 39b½ 22b0 45w0 47b½ -12,5442430,50
38Pons Huguet Sergi1758CAT 14b0 22w1 28b0 10w½ 21w1 19b½ 25w1 12b0 17w½4,52231400
39Ramos Rodriguez Luis Miguel1751CAT 15w0 27b0 23w½ 42b½ 37w½ 45b1 28b1 13w½ 26b½4,52427,5350
40Raventos Jane Agusti1749CAT 16b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -004721270
41Cartanya Caro Pau1747CAT 17w½ 2b0 21w1 4b0 23w½ 13b1 20w½ 10b0 30b03,53330,539,50
42Castro Cruz Jesus1720CAT 18b0 28w0 22b1 39w½ 10b0 21b½ 13w0 43w1 8b½3,53527,5360
43Fernandez Alvarez Xavier1700CAT 19w0 29b0 35w0 37b½ 45w0 46b0 33w1 42b0 47w12,54324,532,50
44Furriol Gavaldá Emili1700CAT 20b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -004821270
45Hernandez-Villaescusa Hirsch Henrik1700CAT 21w½ 17b0 31w0 23b0 43b1 39w0 37b1 46w0 33w02,54225320
46Hernandez-Villaescusa Saurí Pau1700CAT 22b1 14w0 4b0 32w0 30b0 43w1 29w½ 45b1 13b½43126350
47Llorach Gracia Tomas1700CAT 23w1 11b0 27w0 25b0 -0 29b0 -0 37w½ 43b01,54626350
48Zumel Zea Javier1569ESP 24b0 30w0 -1 29b1 25w0 31b0 22w½ 33b1 28w½4302736,50

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)