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XVI Open Internacional Escacs Torredembarra A

Darrera actualització13.07.2014 18:56:21, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Josep M. Camell Jane

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.NomFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3 
1IMBurg TwanNED 20b1 10w1 7b1 6w1 2b½ 4w1 3b0 15w1 8b17,524052,50
2GMPerez Mitjans OrelvisESP 21w1 13b1 9w1 3b1 1w½ 6b0 12w1 4b½ 18w1734152,50
3IMGonzalez Rodriguez Jorge A.COL 22b1 12w1 16b1 2w0 8b1 18w1 1w1 6b1 4w1813950,50
4IMAlarcon Casellas RolandoCUB 23w1 14b½ 5w1 7w½ 12b1 1b0 9w1 2w½ 3b05,5639,551,50
5GMPogorelov RuslanUKR 24b+ 16w0 4b0 27b1 23w½ 13b1 18w0 17b1 7w04,51731,5400
6FMFarran Martos Francesc X.ESP 25w1 17b1 19w1 1b0 9w1 2w1 15b1 3w0 10b1743950,50
7cmMonell Camarasa DavidAND 26b1 18w1 1w0 4b½ 13w1 15b0 19w0 20b1 5b15,573445,50
8FMLasinskas PovilasLTU 27w1 19b0 14w1 30b1 3w0 9b0 23w1 12b1 1w05836470
9WIMUmudova NargizAZE 28b1 30w1 2b0 16w1 6b0 8w1 4b0 31w1 19b1653444,50
10Midonet MatthieuFRA 29w1 1b0 22w½ 17b1 15w0 25b1 20w1 18b½ 6w05133343,50
11cmNavarro Perez ManuelESP 30b0 34w1 -0 -0 21w1 22b1 32w1 19b½ -04,51631,540,50
12Ruiz Font ElisabetESP 31w1 3b0 23w1 19b1 4w0 30b1 2b0 8w0 21b151034,5460
13Juberias Segura SantiagoESP 32b1 2w0 24b1 18w½ 7b0 5w0 36b1 34w1 -04,51432,543,50
14Benet Morant DamiaESP 33w+ 4w½ 8b0 26w1 18b0 -0 -0 -0 -02,53231,540,50
15Guix Torres DavidESP 34b½ 20w0 28b1 36w1 10b1 7w1 6w0 1b0 23w½51134,545,50
16Sanchez Bernardino Miguel AESP 35w1 5b1 3w0 9b0 30w0 32b0 25w1 23b0 29w142230410
17Mila Tejera JordiESP 36b1 6w0 26b½ 10w0 31b0 27w1 24b1 5w0 22b03,52629390
18Galimany Rovira XavierESP 37w1 7b0 27w1 13b½ 14w1 3b0 5b1 10w½ 2b051233,543,50
19Vinas Racionero JosepESP 38b1 8w1 6b0 12w0 24b1 20w½ 7b1 11w½ 9w05936440
20Guasch Murtra Josep MariaESP 1w0 15b1 30w0 29b1 32w1 19b½ 10b0 7w0 31b14,51532,5430
21Aranzana Areste AlbertoESP 2b0 28w½ 36b0 35w1 11b0 26w1 34w0 24b1 12w03,52430,5410
22Salvador Duch Josep MariaESP 3w0 29b1 10b½ 24w0 36b½ 11w0 37b1 32b½ 17w14,51930400
23Lluverol Torrents SalvadorESP 4b0 32w1 12b0 38w1 5b½ 31w½ 8b0 16w1 15b½4,5183137,50
24Sarto Ramos AngelESP 5w- 31b1 13w0 22b1 19w0 34b½ 17w0 21w0 38b13,52729350
25Margalef Guell JordiESP 6b0 36w½ 34b½ 32w0 37b1 10w0 16b0 27w1 30b½3,52828,537,50
26Salvado Obrero IvanESP 7w0 37b1 17w½ 14b0 -0 21b0 29w1 -0 -02,5332633,50
27Santolaria Pena MESP 8b0 38w1 18b0 5w0 34w0 17b0 35w1 25b0 33w133027330
28Torres Royo PedroESP 9w0 21b½ 15w0 31b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,53823,5310
29Amigo Cervello JuanESP 10b0 22w0 33b1 20w0 38b1 36w0 26b0 37w1 16b033126,532,50
30Elizondo Marguet Juan MarcosESP 11w1 9b0 20b1 8w0 16b1 12w0 31b0 36w½ 25w½4213241,50
31Valarezzo Ricard PedroESP 12b0 24w0 35b½ 28w+ 17w1 23b½ 30w1 9b0 20w042329380
32Cao CarloITA 13w0 23b0 37w1 25b1 20b0 16w1 11b0 22w½ 34b14,52030380
33Bernad Bellon Jose MariaESP 14b- -0 29w0 37b0 35b½ -0 38w1 -1 27b02,53521270
34Nieves Alarcon Josep AntoniESP 15w½ 11b0 25w½ -0 27b1 24w½ 21b1 13b0 32w03,52530390
35Bernad Suarez AntonioESP 16b0 -0 31w½ 21b0 33w½ -0 27b0 38w½ 37b12,5342328,50
36Castillo Dalmau AlbertESP 17w0 25b½ 21w1 15b0 22w½ 29b1 13w0 30b½ -03,52928,536,50
37Solsona Manonelles JosepESP 18b0 26w0 32b0 33w1 25w0 38b1 22w0 29b0 35w023626,532,50
38Esteban Fernandez Josep MESP 19w0 27b0 -1 23b0 29w0 37w0 33b0 35b½ 24w01,53724,531,50

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)