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Latvijas 2014. gada čempionāts šahā senioriem 21.-23.03.

Last update 23.03.2014 17:46:46, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1NMStasans Aivars2133LAT 23b1 20w1 13b1 2b½ 7w½ 8b1 3w½5,521,530,524
2NMDaudzvardis Janis2271LAT 27b1 36w1 18b1 1w½ 3b½ 4w½ 7b15,521,52923,5
3FMLevcenkovs Vitalijs2282LAT 16w1 32b1 6w½ 4b½ 2w½ 11b1 1b½52432,521,5
4MKBatakovs Olegs2091LAT 17b1 28w1 5b½ 3w½ 22b1 2b½ 6w½522,53122
5MKVisockis Janis2181LAT 24w1 11b1 4w½ 6b½ 8w0 9w1 14b1522,530,520,5
6MKMatvieks Nikolajs2104LAT 26w1 15b1 3b½ 5w½ 20b1 7w½ 4b½5223022
7IVaicuks Jazeps1845LAT 9b1 21w½ 12b1 18w1 1b½ 6b½ 2w04,523,532,521,5
8MKNevickis Nikolajs2051LAT 41b1 13w0 23b1 15w1 5b1 1w0 10w½4,520,527,519,5
9IZujevs Valerijs1987LAT 7w0 38b1 26w1 14b½ 17w1 5b0 22w14,5192617
10IPcolkins Nikolajs1800LAT 15b0 -1 27w½ 16w½ 21b1 17w1 8b½4,518,525,516
11MKNevickis Arturs1989LAT 22b1 5w0 41b½ 13w1 27b1 3w0 24b14,518,52517,5
12MKVainovska Valentina1836LAT 30b1 7w0 34b½ 37w1 16w½ 20b14,516,52316,5
13IRoze Janis1839LAT 34w1 8b1 1w0 11b0 19w1 20w½ 16b½420,528,517,5
14MKNemkovs Vjaceslavs1852LAT 21b0 25b1 36w1 9w½ 15b½ 18w1 5w0419,526,516,5
15MKNovoksconovs Vladimirs1922LAT 10w1 6w0 33b1 8b0 14w½ 23w½ 29b141926,515,5
16MKZalcmane Vija1896LAT 3b0 31w1 10b½ 29w1 12b½ 13w½418,526,514,5
17IAvsitidijskis Leonids1867LAT 4w0 39b1 32w1 21w1 9b0 10b0 30w14182616
18MKLelis Janis2084LAT 38w1 37b1 2w0 7b0 26w1 14b0 27w1416,52417
19MKSudmale Galina1956LAT 33w1 21b½ 22w0 13b0 28b1 26w1416,52315
20IPuntus Vladimirs1927LAT 39w1 1b0 28w1 29b1 6w0 13b½ 12w03,519,52817
21MKLacis Edgars2034LAT 14w1 7b½ 19w½ 17b0 10w0 37b1 23w½3,519,52615
22IRudzitis Janis1847LAT 11w0 24b1 30w1 19b1 4w0 27w½ 9b03,5192716
23IIvanovs Viktors1887LAT 1w0 35b1 8w0 36b½ 34w1 15b½ 21b½3,51724,512,5
24MKFeigelmans Vladimirs1887LAT 5b0 22w0 39b+ 38b1 36w½ 25b1 11w03,515,522,512,5
25ISennikovs Vladimirs1953LAT 33b0 14w0 35b½ 28b1 41w1 24w0 34b13,513,51910,5
26IStivrins Eriks1869LAT 6b0 40w1 9b0 32w1 18b0 38w1 19b0317,52412
27IBirjukovs Anatolijs1888LAT 2w0 42b1 10b½ 41w1 11w0 22b½ 18b0317,523,513,5
28IDeglis Dainis1850LAT 31w1 4b0 20b0 25w0 32b1 19w0 36w13172411
29IPomahs Ziedonis1817LAT 30w½ 31b½ 37w1 20w0 16b0 36b1 15w0315,521,513,5
30IOmuls Peteris1926LAT 29b½ 12w0 22b0 42w½ 40w1 31b1 17b03152010,5
31IBockarjovs Vasilijs1997LAT 28b0 29w½ 16b0 35w½ 33b1 30w0 37b1314209
32ILacis Aleksandrs1997LAT 42w1 3w0 17b0 26b0 28w0 41b1 40w131318,510
33IVisnevskis Valdis1829LAT 25w1 19b0 15w0 37b0 31w0 39b½ 42w12,515,5209
34ISemjonovs Stanislavs1962LAT 13b0 41w0 42b1 12w½ 23b0 35w1 25w02,515209
35IHeifecs Arkadijs1837LAT 36b0 23w0 25w½ 31b½ 38w½ 34b0 41w12,513187
36ISkolmeistars Uldis1956LAT 35w1 2b0 14b0 23w½ 24b½ 29w0 28b0216,524,510,5
37ILebedevs Jevgenijs1916LAT 40b1 18w0 29b0 33w1 12b0 21w0 31w02162211
38IKorovaikovs Vladimirs1867LAT 18b0 9w0 40b1 24w0 35b½ 26b0 39w½215,521,57
39IKurmatovs Marsels1822LAT 20b0 17w0 24w- -0 42b1 33w½ 38b½213,5184,5
40ISurzikova Vera1717LAT 37w0 26b0 38w0 -1 30b0 42w1 32b0211,5156
41IKogans Simons1860LAT 8w0 34b1 11w½ 27b0 25b0 32w0 35b01,516,523,58,5
42IPērkons Jānis1850LAT 32b0 27w0 34w0 30b½ 39w0 40b0 33b00,51418,52

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break