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VIII Torneo Internacional Puente Foral 2013

Last update 08.12.2013 13:42:50, Creator: mialma,Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 385)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Soriano Ascaso Ignacio2113ESP 22w1 26b1 18w1 6b1 5w0 11b1 7w1627,531,525
2CMMindeguia Guruceaga Juan Jesu2205ESP 57w1 13b1 20w1 7b1 11w½ 5b½ 4w½5,528,53025
3Prieto Aranguren Alain2182ESP 31b1 24w1 11b0 25w1 12b½ 15w1 5w15,52730,521,5
4Diaz Herrero Alvaro2195ESP 19b0 32w1 35b1 9w1 20b1 17w1 2b½5,5262920,5
5Asensio Linan Teodoro2187ESP 33w1 16b1 8w1 1b1 2w½ 3b0531,53524
6Urriza Iricibar Pablo2116ESP 36b1 9w1 12b1 1w0 17b0 16w1 11b15293221
7Marchena Hurtado Javier2091ESP 42b1 41w1 19b1 2w0 24b1 30w1 1b0526,529,523
8Cemborain Oricain Alfonso1975ESP 44b1 35w1 5b0 25w1 23b15262919,5
9Cinza Lopez Javier1866ESP 49w1 6b0 22w1 4b0 29b1 21w1 17b152628,518
10Aldave Aguado Adrian1815ESP 58b1 11w0 36b1 30w½ 21b½ 20w1 24b1523,524,518,5
11Ortega Lopez Mikel1981ESP 46w1 10b1 3w1 14b1 2b½ 1w0 6w04,5313423,5
12Aguinaga Ruiz Jesus Luis1973ESP 50w1 28b1 6w0 19b1 3w½ 13b1 -04,527,53020,5
13Ruiz Escobar Rafael1938ESP 48b1 2w0 39b1 28w1 12w0 29b14,52527,518
14Sanchez Garcia Andres1748ESP 53b1 15w1 38b½ 11w0 16b0 34w1 30b+4,5242618,5
15Sola Plaza Gregorio1944ESP 52w1 14b0 33w1 28b½ 18w1 3b0 31w14,52425,518
16Vera Balague Gabriel1929ESP 61w1 5w0 31b½ 40b1 14w1 6b0 28w14,5242417,5
17De Pablos Fernandez Mariano1969ESP 34b1 19w0 23b1 37w1 6w1 4b0 9w04273019
18Apesteguia Domaica Jose Anton1880ESP 27b1 30w1 1b0 21w½ 15b0 32w1 19b½426,53017,5
19Otano Villanueva Joseba1675ESP 4w1 17b1 7w0 12w0 42b½ 47b1 18w½426,52917
20Irañeta Unzue Iker2001ESP 45b1 25w1 2b0 38w1 4w0 10b0 37w14262918
21Rebole Arbea Jose Ignacio2166ESP 47w1 18b½ 10w½ 9b0 39w142527,517
22Aristu Garde Jon1529ESP 1b0 27w1 9b0 58w1 38b1 29w0 35b1424,525,514
23Hernamperez Manso Jose Maria1720ESP 17w0 45b1 43w1 26b1 8w04242715,5
24Barberia Fernandez Iñaki1904ESP 55w1 3b0 47w1 43b1 7w0 36b1 10w04242618
25Marin Salvador Ruben1781ESP 40w1 20b0 46w1 3b0 37w1 8b0 36w1423,526,516
26Peteiro Osta Luis Angel1920ESP 54b1 1w0 37b0 49w1 39b1 23w0 42b1421,523,515
27Lopez Morata Diego0ESP 18w0 22b0 50b0 61w1 45w1 38b1 41w1419,519,510
28Juanco Elizari Felix1789ESP 56b1 12w0 42b1 15w½ 13b0 44w1 16b03,524,52616
29Garnacho Velasco Eduardo1771ESP 40w½ 31b1 9w0 22b1 13w03,5242715
30Tetimov Ivan2010BUL 60w1 18b0 57w1 10b½ 41w1 7b0 14w-3,52324,517
31Ochoa Aldaz Mikel1609ESP 3w0 52b1 16w½ 29w0 48b1 51w1 15b03,52324,513,5
32Urbiola Martinez Jesus1531ESP 4b0 43w0 52b1 40w1 18b0 48w13,521,52311,5
33Ruiz Anton Adolfo1648ESP 5b0 48w1 15b0 34w½ 44b0 49w1 51b13,52123,511
34Cloete Herman Hubert0ESP 17w0 33b½ 57w1 14b0 47w13,52122,511,5
35Oyaga Valencia Jesus Maria1743ESP 43w1 8b0 4w0 60b1 36w0 46b1 22w0323,525,513
36Adrian Abad Miguel1569ESP 6w0 61b1 10w0 50b1 35b1 24w0 25b0323,523,513
37Villacorta Nicolas David1574ESP 26w1 17b0 25b0 53w1 20b03222413,5
38Rebole Arbea Pedro Maria1726ESP 59b1 14w½ 20b0 22w0 27w0 56b132223,513,5
39Sanchez Moreno Mario1621ESP 13w0 46b1 26w0 43b1 21b0321,524,512,5
40Pedchenko Alex0ESP 25b0 45w1 29b½ 16w0 32b0 50w1 44b½321,52411
41Egües Oroz Angel Maria Jesus1795ESP 51w1 7b0 60w1 30b0 42w½ 27b0321,523,515
42Lizuain Toni Javier1516ESP 7w0 55b1 28w0 56b1 19w½ 41b½ 26w0321,52312,5
43Rosa Gamez Nerea0ESP 35b0 44w1 32b1 24w0 23b0 39w0 54b1320,522,512
44Lopez Medina Manuel1437ESP 8w0 43b0 55w1 57b½ 33w1 28b0 40w½32021,510,5
45Aristu Garde Uxue1470ESP 20w0 40b0 54w1 23w0 27b0 52b1 55w131920,58
46Salvatierra Alzorriz Haizea1447ESP 11b0 56w1 25b0 39w0 58b1 35w0 53b13181910
47Diaz Redondo Isidro1571ESP 21b0 54w1 24b0 48w½ 49b1 19w0 34b02,520,522,511
48Fernandez Rastrilla Daniel0ESP 13w0 33b0 59w1 47b½ 31w0 57b1 32b02,520,5229
49Monroy Ostivar Alejandro0ESP 9b0 51w1 26b0 47w0 33b0 57w12,52021,59
50Aramendia Ybarra Carlota0ESP 12b0 57b0 27w1 36w0 40b0 58w12,519207,5
51Pagola Rox Inaki0ESP 41b0 49b0 53w1 60w1 31b0 33w02,5171910
52Esparza Sainz David0ESP 15b0 31w0 58b0 32w0 61b1 45w0 60b+217174
53Pedchenko Sheriy0ESP 14w0 51b0 54w1 37b0 46w0216,518,58,5
54Fernandez Villameriel Jorge0ESP 26w0 47b0 45b0 55w1 53b0 58w1 43w0216,517,56
55Fernandez Villameriel Lucia0ESP 24b0 42w0 44b0 54b0 56w1 61w1 45b0216,516,55
56Pascual Garcia Martin0ESP 28w0 46b0 61w1 42w0 55b0 60b+ 38w0216167
57Perez Alonso Daniel1697ESP 2b0 50w1 30b0 44w½ 34b0 48w0 49b01,52123,58
58Moreno Garcia Lucia0ESP 10w0 60b0 52w1 22b0 46w0 54b0 50b0118,5205
59Salvatierra Ilarregui Mikel0ESP 38w0 -0 48b0 -0 -0 -0 61b1117,517,51
60Arcos Garcia Manuel1486ESP 30b0 58w1 41b0 35w0 51b0 56w- 52w-116,517,56
61Fernandez Senovilla Jose A.0ESP 16b0 36w0 56b0 27b0 52w0 55b0 59w001819,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break