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Rīgas 2013. gada atklātās jaunatnes meistarsacīkstes - vidējā grupa (RŠS)

Last update 01.11.2013 12:11:34, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IStabulnieks Klāvs2123LAT 27w+ 11b1 2w0 4b1 10b1 3w1 5w1 18b1 6w½7,5374437,5
2ISemjonovs Vsevolods1989LAT 26b1 14w1 1b1 10w½ 17w1 4b½ 11w1 3b0 13b1734,54438
3ILindermans Pāvels1903LAT 13w1 5b1 4w0 6w½ 7b1 1b0 8w1 2w1 11b16,5395131
4ILitvjakova Darija2024LAT 18b1 7w½ 3b1 1w0 6b1 2w½ 10w1 9b1 5w0639,55132
5ILimanovska Elizabete1998LAT 22b1 3w0 7b0 16w1 20b1 12w1 1b0 17w1 4b163444,527
6IKovaļevskis Artjoms1910LAT 14w0 8b1 13w1 3b½ 4w0 21b1 18w½ 10b1 1b½5,5354626
7IGrīvnieks Alberts1946LAT 19w1 4b½ 5w1 17b0 3w0 9w½ 12b1 13b- 10b1534,544,526
8IŠteingarts Aleksandrs1704LAT 9b1 6w0 15w1 12b½ 11w1 10b0 3b0 20w½ 17b+532,542,526
9IAvotiņš Artūrs1845LAT 8w0 26b½ 19w1 14b1 12w½ 7b½ 17b½ 4w0 18w1530,538,524
10IZariņš Ričards1904LAT 25b1 17w1 12b1 2b½ 1w0 8w1 4b0 6w0 7w04,5374731
11IJevstefejevs Andrejs1934LAT 24b1 1w0 14b½ 20w1 8b0 22w1 2b0 19w1 3w04,53343,524,5
12IBrikers Aleksandrs1996LAT 16w1 15b1 10w0 8w½ 9b½ 5b0 7w0 21b½ 19w14,53241,524,5
13INitavskis Nikolajs1740LAT 3b0 22w1 6b0 23b1 18w0 20w½ 24b1 7w+ 2w04,530,540,521
14IILepjohina Valērija1750LAT 6b1 2b0 11w½ 9w0 22b0 15b0 23w1 25b1 21w14,52938,518,5
15IMucenieks Rainers1856LAT 21b1 12w0 8b0 18w½ 19b0 14w1 22b½ 24w1 16w½4,527,535,520
16IČerņavska Olga1789LAT 12b0 25w1 17b0 5b0 23w1 19w½ 20b½ 22w1 15b½4,52634,519
17ISinauridze Simons2005LAT 20w1 10b0 16w1 7w1 2b0 18b½ 9w½ 5b0 8w-43444,525,5
18IMorevs Aleksandrs1835LAT 4w0 19b½ 26w1 15b½ 13b1 17w½ 6b½ 1w0 9b043342,522,5
19IDanieljans Levons1781LAT 7b0 18w½ 9b0 26w1 15w1 16b½ 21w½ 11b0 12b03,530,537,518,5
20IRazumovskis Edgars1817LAT 17b0 24w1 21w1 11b0 5w0 13b½ 16w½ 8b½ 25b-3,52937,519,5
21ITomiševs Daniels1737LAT 15w0 -1 20b0 22w½ 24b1 6w0 19b½ 12w½ 14b03,52836,518,5
22IMiķelsons Miķelis-Emīls1793LAT 5w0 13b0 25w1 21b½ 14w1 11b0 15w½ 16b0 23w-32937,516,5
23IFomenko Veronika1842LAT -0 -0 24b1 13w0 16b0 25w1 14b0 26w0 22b+326,53312
24IIRubīna Megija1750LAT 11w0 20b0 23w0 25b1 21w0 -1 13w0 15b0 26b+32632,511
25IISniķere Antuanete1750LAT 10w0 16b0 22b0 24w0 26b+ 23b0 26b½ 14w0 20w+2,523,5307,5
26ILiepiņš Artis1785LAT 2w0 9w½ 18b0 19b0 25w- -0 25w½ 23b1 24w-225,5357,5
27IKoļasa Pjotrs1838LAT 1b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0031,543,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break