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8. Pasaules čempiona Mihaila Tāla memoriāls skolēniem šahā 08.11.2013.

Last update 08.11.2013 19:00:47, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1NMBernotas Arturs2530LAT 32b1 23w1 4b1 5w1 2b1 3w½ 10b1 9w17,531,541,52632
2MKDunaveckis Deniss2254LAT 43b1 22w1 7b1 9w1 1w0 13b1 3b½ 4w16,531,5412393
3MKPetrovskis Olegs2268LAT 42w1 11b½ 6w1 17w1 9b1 1b½ 2w½ 8w½63241,52327
4MKVins Aleksis2178LAT 35w1 19b1 1w0 15w1 20b1 5b1 21w1 2b062939,52286
5MKStarcevs Dmitrijs2381LAT 41b1 12w1 16b1 1b0 21w1 4w0 6b½ 10w15,530402221
6IJazdanovs Aleksandrs1866LAT 28b1 10w1 3b0 7w0 16b1 23w1 5w½ 21b15,528,5382227
7MKParhomenko Margarita2063LAT 26b1 34w1 2w0 6b1 13w0 22b½ 15w1 18b15,527,5372099
8IStabulnieks Klavs2123LAT 29b1 14w1 9b0 12w0 17b1 34w1 20w1 3b½5,527362174
9NMTokranovs Dmitrijs2465LAT 36w1 21b1 8w1 2b0 3w0 14b1 22w1 1b053141,52222
10MKŠumskis Aleksandrs2075LAT 30w1 6b0 36w1 19b1 14w1 11b1 1w0 5b052939,52145
11ISinauridze Simons2005LAT 33b1 3w½ 15b0 25w1 12b1 10w0 24b½ 20w1526,5362050
12ISics Maksims2008LAT 46w1 5b0 30w1 8b1 11w0 20b0 25w1 24w1526322059
13IMikelsons Mikelis-Emils1793LAT 15b0 38w1 34b1 23w1 7b1 2w0 18b0 22w1525,5352108
14MKGolubeva Marija1975LAT 25w1 8b0 39w1 16w1 10b0 9w0 34b1 23w1525,533,52126
15IPetrovs Jaroslavs1938LAT 13w1 18b½ 11w1 4b0 22b0 28w1 7b0 34w14,527,536,52013
16IBataševs Arsens2119LAT 37w1 24b1 5w0 14b0 6w0 30b1 35w1 19b½4,525,5341994
17IDjogteva Jekaterina1977LAT 40b½ 32w1 18w1 3b0 8w0 24b0 29b1 28w14,524,5331999
18MKŠirokovs Jevgenijs2103LAT 38b1 15w½ 17b0 20w0 33b1 40b1 13w1 7w04,524,532,51925
19IHorobrijs Daniils1946LAT 27b1 4w0 43b1 10w0 29b0 38w1 31b1 16w½4,523,531,51985
20IZarovs Aleksandrs1832LAT 21w0 42b1 24w1 18b1 4w0 12w1 8b0 11b0428362024
21IVoronko Valerijs2017LAT 20b1 9w0 41b1 28w1 5b0 29w1 4b0 6w042735,52019
22IAntonivs Vladislavs1989LAT 44w1 2b0 25w½ 40b1 15w1 7w½ 9b0 13b0426,534,51991
23ILitvjakova Darija2024LAT 31w1 1b0 37w1 13b0 36w1 6b0 26w1 14b042636,51941
24IMigunova Aleksandra1907LAT 45b1 16w0 20b0 26w1 28b½ 17w1 11w½ 12b0425,532,51908
25IVissarionovs Artjoms1804LAT 14b0 29w1 22b½ 11b0 30w½ 41w1 12b0 37b142431,51920
26IAlainis Artis1833LAT 7w0 39b0 45w1 24b0 42b1 32w1 23b0 35w141926,51881
27IKrjukovs Dmitrijs1797LAT 19w0 37b0 42w1 36b0 35w0 44b1 43b1 38w1416221855
28IVasilevskis Glebs1737LAT 6w0 31b1 35w1 21b0 24w½ 15b0 40w1 17b03,523,531,51856
29IAvotinš Arturs1845LAT 8w0 25b0 46w1 44b1 19w1 21b0 17w0 31b½3,522281873
30ISevastjanovs Roberts1842LAT 10b0 45w1 12b0 41w½ 25b½ 16w0 32b½ 43w13,521,528,51871
31IGerasimeca Angelina1833LAT 23b0 28w0 32b1 43w1 34b0 36b1 19w0 29w½3,520,5271833
32IGolsta Madara1858LAT 1w0 17b0 31w0 46b1 44w1 26b0 30w½ 40b13,519,527,51888
33IGolsta Ramona1809LAT 11w0 35b½ 40w0 39b1 18w0 37b0 46w1 41b13,51823,51835
34IGrapmanis-Skumbinš Edgars1891LAT 39w1 7b0 13w0 37b1 31w1 8b0 14w0 15b0326,534,51827
35IPakalns Raivis Kristians1848LAT 4b0 33w½ 28b0 42w½ 27b1 39w1 16b0 26b0322301797
36IMucenieks Rainers1856LAT 9b0 40w1 10b0 27w1 23b0 31w0 38b0 44w132228,51869
37IParhomenko Anastasija1845LAT 16b0 27w1 23b0 34w0 38b0 33w1 39b1 25w0321,528,51792
38IPetrovska Arina1842LAT 18w0 13b0 44w0 45b1 37w1 19b0 36w1 27b032127,51775
39ILepjohins Nikita1745LAT 34b0 26w1 14b0 33w0 43b1 35b0 37w0 -1318,525,51706
40IMargolins Konstantins1805LAT 17w½ 36b0 33b1 22w0 41b1 18w0 28b0 32w02,522291756
41IBeitiņš Gabriels1850LAT 5w0 46b1 21w0 30b½ 40w0 25b0 42b1 33w02,519,525,51775
42IGrickus Andris1850LAT 3b0 20w0 27b0 35b½ 26w0 -1 41w0 46b12,51925,51662
43IStrods Kristaps Reinis1850LAT 2w0 44b1 19w0 31b0 39w0 46b1 27w0 30b0219,526,51687
44IKolpakovs Romans1805LAT 22b0 43w0 38b1 29w0 32b0 27w0 -1 36b021924,51553
45IISmirnovs Karlis1750LAT 24w0 30b0 26b0 38w0 -1 -0 -0 -011823,51056
46INaumovs Aleksejs1819LAT 12b0 41w0 29b0 32w0 -0 43w0 33b0 42w0017,524,51067

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)