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Last update 13.10.2013 14:27:48, Creator/Last Upload: Joan Margaleff Kriesten

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.Name1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMSuba Mihai 42w1 33b1 9w½ 10w1 5b1 2w½ 3b1 7b½ 6w17,5485241
2GMBellon Lopez Juan Manuel 44b1 17w1 12b½ 8w1 3w1 1b½ 23w1 6b0 5w1748,552,541
3IMGonzalez Rodriguez Jorge A. 48b1 32w1 25b1 4w1 2b0 22w1 1w0 13b1 7w17475139,5
4FMPablo Mari Alejandro 36w1 23b1 6w1 3b0 13w½ 31b1 7w0 34b1 12w16,544,54937,5
5Lloret Ramis Juan Jose 37b1 19w1 22b½ 26w1 1w0 6b1 13w½ 23b1 2b0646,55139
6Grigoriev Ivan 51b1 39w1 4b0 32w1 17b1 5w0 22b1 2w1 1b0646,550,539
7Pastor Alonso De Prado Albert 52b1 59w1 10b0 47w1 12b½ 15w1 4b1 1w½ 3b0646,549,539
8NMAnguera Maestro Jaime 58w½ 21b1 29w1 2b0 24w½ 27b1 14w½ 11b½ 23w16444737
9FMSimon Padros Emili 46w1 14b+ 1b½ 31w½ 34b1 23b0 17w½ 14b½ 27w16434735,5
10IMKovacevic Slobodan 43w1 28b1 7w1 1b0 22w0 32b½ 24w½ 44b1 15b16424634,5
11Mayer Schwartz Rene 65w1 16b½ 27w1 15b0 33w1 13b0 42w1 8w½ 26b1640,54334,5
12FMLacrosse Marc 66b1 20w1 2w½ 22b½ 7w½ 14b½ 35w½ 17b1 4b05,546,54939,5
13FMDe Souza Haro Paulo Cezar 59b0 51w1 44b1 20w1 4b½ 11w1 5b½ 3w0 19b½5,544,547,537,5
14CMSerrano Marhuenda Salvador 69b1 9w- 46w½ 18b1 16w1 12w½ 8b½ 9w½ 20b½5,542,545,536,5
15Coll Enriquez Lluis 40w1 27b½ 24w½ 11w1 31b½ 7b0 32w1 35b1 10w05,54246,536
16FMSerra Olives Tomas 30b1 11w½ 31b0 45w1 14b0 37w1 28b0 47w1 35b+5,539,543,533,5
17Vinal Gutierrez Pedro 54w1 2b0 43w1 62b1 6w0 42b1 9b½ 12w0 37b15,539,541,532,5
18Perez Cameselle Francisco 25b0 60w1 19b½ 14w0 30b½ 56w1 39b1 22w½ 31b15,538,541,532,5
19Hostalet Ferrer Pedro Enrique 56w1 5b0 18w½ 58b½ 48w½ 55b1 31w½ 36b1 13w½5,536,539,530,5
20Simo Bordoy Guillermo 61w1 12b0 65w1 13b0 43w½ 58b½ 49w1 33b1 14w½5,53638,530
21Montell Zabay Alberto 53b½ 8w0 54b½ 40w½ 57b½ 45w½ 38w1 50b1 34w15,535,538,529,5
22Buxade Roca Guillermo 38w1 64b1 5w½ 12w½ 10b1 3b0 6w0 18b½ 24w½545,547,538,5
23FMVarga Mariano 68b1 4w0 49b1 30w1 25b1 9w1 2b0 5w0 8b0545,54738,5
24NMRidameya Tatche Jose Miguel 62b1 26w½ 15b½ 25w½ 8b½ 34w½ 10b½ 31w½ 22b½5424436
25Bautista Sanchez Joan 18w1 35b1 3w0 24b½ 23w0 43b½ 36w0 58b1 49w1540,543,533,5
26Leiros Vila Avelino 55w1 24b½ 58w1 5b0 27w½ 35b0 43w1 28b1 11w05394233
27Besga Lopez Jose Angel 67b1 15w½ 11b0 54w1 26b½ 8w0 59b1 30w1 9b05394133
28Ciuro Munoz Ricardo 57w+ 10w0 30b0 66w1 37b½ 40b1 16w1 26w0 29b½538,54132,5
29Amat Cerda Andres 34w+ 31w½ 8b0 37w½ 39b½ 47w1 34b0 32w1 28w½5384232
30Fernandez Garcia Ignacio 16w0 41b1 28w1 23b0 18w½ 48b1 33w½ 27b0 44w1537,541,532
31Reig Albero Ferran 50w1 29b½ 16w1 9b½ 15w½ 4w0 19b½ 24b½ 18w04,5434736,5
32Lopez Colon Francisco 63w1 3b0 40w1 6b0 36w1 10w½ 15b0 29b0 43w14,54244,535
33Tejero Royo Fermin 45b1 1w0 37b½ 46w1 11b0 44w1 30b½ 20w0 38b½4,5414533,5
34Roche Simon Manuel Angel 29b- 55b1 48w1 35b1 9w0 24b½ 29w1 4w0 21b04,54144,534,5
35Mas Recorda Pere 60b1 25w0 59b1 34w0 45b1 26w1 12b½ 15w0 16w-4,538,541,533
36Lopez Heras Arturo 4b0 45w0 53b1 52w1 32b0 57w1 25b1 19w0 39b½4,53841,531,5
37Aguilo Pons Francesc 5w0 56b1 33w½ 29b½ 28w½ 16b0 63w1 45b1 17w04,53739,531
38Lloveras Hernanz Jose Antonio 22b0 44w0 60b½ 51w1 46b1 39w½ 21b0 42b1 33w½4,535,538,530
39Borras Julian Teodoro 41w1 6b0 62w0 61b1 29w½ 38b½ 18w0 60b1 36w½4,5353729
40Zotes Flecha Luis 15b0 67w1 32b0 21b½ 66w1 28w0 61b½ 41w½ 56b14,532,534,527
41Garcia Pastor Marcelo 39b0 30w0 -1 43b0 69w1 46b0 67w1 40b½ 58w14,5313326
42Diaz Franco Francisco Jorge 1b0 52w1 45b0 59w1 49b1 17w0 11b0 38w0 61b14394231,5
43Sanz Bastos Fernando 10b0 68w1 17b0 41w1 20b½ 25w½ 26b0 61w1 32b0438,54032,5
44Garcia Caballero Luis 2w0 38b1 13w0 65b1 62w1 33b0 58w1 10w0 30b04384031
45Beltran Sanz Felix 33w0 36b1 42w1 16b0 35w0 21b½ 46w1 37w0 48b½4374131,5
46Garcia Esteban Ignacio 9b0 57w1 14b½ 33b0 38w0 41w1 45b0 63b1 50w½436,53930,5
47Sarto Ramos Angel 64b- 50b1 64w1 7b0 58w½ 29b0 55w1 16b0 52w½4353729
48Morales Quintero Jose Miguel 3w0 63b1 34b0 67w1 19b½ 30w0 50w0 62b1 45w½4353728
49Gomez Lopez Pedro -0 61b1 23w0 64b1 42w0 67w1 20b0 59w1 25b0432,534,527
50Donazar Garayoa Miguel 31b0 47w0 67b0 60w½ 51b1 54w1 48b1 21w0 46b½432,534,527
51Carrasco Fernandez Manuel 6w0 13b0 63w½ 38b0 50w0 65b1 53w½ 67b1 60w1431,533,525,5
52Costa Correas Francisco 7w0 42b0 56w1 36b0 61w½ 63b0 64b1 54w1 47b½430,532,524,5
53Del Amo Delgado Pedro 21w½ 58b0 36w0 55b0 63w0 -1 51b½ 68w1 59b142829,522,5
54Castelo Ramos Jose Luis 17b0 70w+ 21w½ 27b0 55w0 50b0 65w1 52b0 63w13,533,53628
55Olmos Rosa Fernando 26b0 34w0 57b½ 53w1 54b1 19w0 47b0 56w0 64b13,533,535,528
56Lopez Garijo Antonio 19b0 37w0 52b0 -1 64w1 18b0 62w½ 55b1 40w03,5323426,5
57Escriva Agud Salvador 28b- 46b0 55w½ 63b1 21w½ 36b0 60w0 66b½ 62w13,530,532,525
58Ballester Pomata Miguel Angel 8b½ 53w1 26b0 19w½ 47b½ 20w½ 44b0 25w0 41b0339,54333,5
59Marco Catala Juan Bautista 13w1 7b0 35w0 42b0 60w1 62b1 27w0 49b0 53w0336,538,530,5
60Jaumandreu Llopis Antonio 35w0 18b0 38w½ 50b½ 59b0 68w1 57b1 39w0 51b0334,53629
61Andres Zamorano Cayo 20b0 49w0 68b1 39w0 52b½ 69w1 40w½ 43b0 42w033435,528,5
62Planells Cardona Francisco 24w0 -1 39b1 17w0 44b0 59w0 56b½ 48w0 57b02,533,536,528
63Jonckers Marie-Jeanne 32b0 48w0 51b½ 57w0 53b1 52w1 37b0 46w0 54b02,532,535,528
64Sogues Tena Pilar 47w+ 22w0 47b0 49w0 56b0 66b1 52w0 65b½ 55w02,53133,526
65Alberola Reig Francisco 11b0 66w1 20b0 44w0 67b0 51w0 54b0 64w½ 68b12,52930,523
66Carrascosa Campos Juan Luis 12w0 65b0 69w1 28b0 40b0 64w0 68b0 57w½ 67b12,52829,522,5
67Iglesias Vidal Jose Luis 27w0 40b0 50w1 48b0 65w1 49b0 41b0 51w0 66w0232,53527,5
68Perez Carratala Jose 23w0 43b0 61w0 69b0 -1 60b0 66w1 53b0 65w0226,528,521,5
69Diaz Ivars Jose Manuel 14w0 -0 66b0 68w1 41b0 61b0 -0 -0 -0127,52921,5
70Gonzalez Pabollet Jesus Maria -0 54b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00262721

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)