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Seshego New Year Chess Tournament 2025 Open Section

Posledná aktualizácia 14.01.2025 17:11:33, Creator/Last Upload: Carel de Villiers

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Štartová listina

1Mahlangu, SelloRSA1994
2Mailula, MatsobaneRSA1989
3Selepe, LwaziRSA1968
4Mankga, ThabangRSA1860
5Mello, NkwadiRSA1674
6Mmola, TumeloRSA1624
7Malema, ThabileRSA1487
8Mahomole, MahlodiRSA1482
9Masango, SobanganeRSA1463
10Rampfumedzi, MulangaRSA1409
11Rasivhetshele, Mpho Junior GivenRSA0