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ukáž detaily turnaja
Seshego New Year Chess Tournament 2025 Open SectionPosledná aktualizácia 14.01.2025 17:11:33, Creator/Last Upload: Carel de Villiers
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | | Mahlangu, Sello | | RSA | 1994 |
2 | | Mailula, Matsobane | | RSA | 1989 |
3 | | Selepe, Lwazi | | RSA | 1968 |
4 | | Mankga, Thabang | | RSA | 1860 |
5 | | Mello, Nkwadi | | RSA | 1674 |
6 | | Mmola, Tumelo | | RSA | 1624 |
7 | | Malema, Thabile | | RSA | 1487 |
8 | | Mahomole, Mahlodi | | RSA | 1482 |
9 | | Masango, Sobangane | | RSA | 1463 |
10 | | Rampfumedzi, Mulanga | | RSA | 1409 |
11 | | Rasivhetshele, Mpho Junior Given | | RSA | 0 |