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6.o Jogos Panamericanos de Surdos - Classico Feminino- 2024 -

Last update 14.11.2024 01:21:36, Creator/Last Upload: Arbiter Viegas - Cesar B Viegas

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Starting rank

1Rozas Lazcano, Valeska Alejandra3438910CHI1812
2Centanaro Erazo, Nicole Daniela4484290COL1635
3Delgado Tigasi, Andrea Javiera3618757ECU1563
4Enriquez Quispe Y Ramirez, Dina LauraPER0
5Do Nascimento, Karine Saltosque44773455BRA0
6De Souza Sauer, Patricia D Martins44773447BRA0
7Martinez Fonseca, Veronica MariaCRC0