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ukáž detaily turnaja
Tournament Organizer: GM Attila Czebe Tournament venue:Danubius Hotel Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 47
Vezerkepzo GM Farago Ivan Memorial 2024 Posledná aktualizácia 06.12.2024 13:42:30, Creator/Last Upload: Chessbill
Zoznam hráčov podľa ratingu
č. | | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
5 | | FM | Panesar, Vedant | 35033018 | IND | 2441 |
3 | | IM | Lee, Junhyeok | 13202340 | KOR | 2426 |
6 | | GM | Berczes, David | 722960 | HUN | 2413 |
4 | | FM | Rorrer, Grayson | 30944996 | USA | 2411 |
7 | | GM | Neverov, Valeriy | 14100150 | UKR | 2401 |
8 | | GM | Pap, Misa | 921610 | SRB | 2401 |
9 | | | Peng, Hongchi | 8609047 | CHN | 2387 |
10 | | FM | Palczert, Matyas | 784958 | HUN | 2359 |
1 | | WGM | Yao, Lan | 8610835 | ENG | 2359 |
2 | | FM | Kalosha, Zhiulien Oleksii | 14183706 | UKR | 2306 |