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41st Bury St Edmunds Congress Minor (U1500)

Last update 20.10.2024 18:19:26, Creator/Last Upload:

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Round 5 on 2024/10/20 at 1400

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
16Bennett, Matt1417 ½ - ½ Lynch, Mark14613
29Starodubcevs-Snaiders, Nickolay14073 0 - 1 Angel, Mike14088
31Ashworth, Steven M1499 ½ - ½ Horn, Lenny111922
42Estlea, Warwick1491 0 - 1 Manikandan, Maadesh127515
512Eddershaw, John Ht1302 ½ - ½ Driscoll, Dennis G133911
67Fletcher, Martin G14172 1 - 02 Duff-Cole, John A139210
720Keating, George11642 1 - 02 Walker, Heather Enid126116
823Arun, Saiarya10772 1 - 0 Avery, David125917
94Coughtrey, Mike J1435 1 - 0 Chapman, John R116919
1014Mills, Rod A12801 0 - 1 Nettleton, Mark A14185
1124Tsarev, Mikhail857½ 1 - 01 Kirby, Brian121918
1213Cunningham, Simon1300 0 not paired 
1321Nassa, Ishaan1125½ 0 not paired