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41st Bury St Edmunds Congress Inter (U1700)

Last update 20.10.2024 18:24:02, Creator/Last Upload:

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Round 5 on 2024/10/20 at 1400

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
17Starodubcevs, Sergejs1639 ½ - ½3 Such, Daniel159711
214Emmerton, Stephen James1574 0 - 1 De Block, Gert16445
313Oakden, Mark1579 0 - 1 Homer, Neil S16406
415Husband, Eugene1570 0 - 1 Davis, Joshua16298
52Heffer, Mark17002 ½ - ½ Ferris, Oliver16259
61Connor, Barry17062 1 - 02 Bradshaw, Craig156117
710Cload, Adrian16152 1 - 02 May, David C156716
819Jones, Michael R15282 1 - 02 Bowler, Tim158212
93Jones, Robert L1697 0 - 1 Meadows, Pete16504
1024Dickinson, Richard13541 0 - 1 Klepikovska, Larysa149621
1122Skelton, Alexander14881 1 bye 
1218Harrington, David15481 0 not paired 
1320White, Colin V15140 0 not paired 
1423Qin, Oscar1397 0 not paired