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41st Bury St Edmunds Congress Major (U1900)

Last update 20.10.2024 18:32:50, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Willoughby Christopher1888ENG 10w1 21b1 6w1 4b1 5w150514
2Hartland Andrew D1847ENG 19w1 5b0 14w1 8b13,50314
3Gaffney Samuel1821ENG 22w½ 9b1 16w½ 17b13,50214
4Ruthen Stephen W1868ENG 18w1 16b½ 7w1 1w0 6b½30216,5
5Kirkham Ed1768ENG 27w1 2w1 8b½ 1b030216
6Briginshaw James A1790ENG 20w1 15b1 1b0 21w½ 4w½30214,5
7Galletti Armando1700ITA 25b½ 12w1 4b0 23w1 13w½30214
8Pack James1868ENG 28b½ 14w1 23b1 5w½ 2w030213,5
9Duke Taylor1726ENG 3w0 22b1 15w½ 21b130213
10Newton Peter1764ENG 1b0 24w½ 26b½ 29w1 19b130212,5
11Harman-Bishop Adrian1750ENG 15w0 27b1 12w½ 26b130212
12Perkins Chris1774ENG 29w½ 7b0 32w1 11b½ 24w130210,5
13Wheeler James M1818ENG 31b½ 28w½ 19b1 17w½ 7b½30111
14Qin Charlie1612ENG 30w1 8b0 18w½ 2b0 31w12,50211,5
15Nelson Stuart1857ENG 11b1 6w0 9b½ 18w½2,50114
16Bowers Francis J1791ENG 32b1 4w½ 3b½ -02,50112,5
17Dean Robert A1771ENG 26b½ 31w1 13b½ 3w02,50112
18Willoughby Andrew P1752ENG 4b0 20w1 14b½ 26w½ 15b½2,50112
19Nickals Peter A1749ENG 2b0 -1 13w0 31b1 10w020212,5
20Bellano Harry1633ENG 6b0 18b0 27w1 22w0 -120211
21Mcmahon Paul1839ENG 24b1 1w0 6b½ 9w020115
22Yelverton Ben1723ENG 3b½ 25w0 9w0 20b1 23b½20113,5
23Chan Anthony1788ENG 29b1 8w0 7b0 22w½20111,5
24Heffer Judith1734ENG 21w0 10b½ 30w1 12b020111,5
25Irwin James1810ENG 7w½ 22b1 -0 -020111
26Flynn Chris1589ENG 17w½ 30b½ 10w½ 18b½ 11w020012,5
27Richmond Charles J1554ENG 5b0 11w0 20b0 32w1 30b½1,50110,5
28Levy Christopher A1757ENG 8w½ 13b½ -0 -01,50010,5
29Wilde Grace1590ENG 12b½ 23w0 10b0 32b½1,50010,5
30Kenning Paul H1788ENG 14b0 26w½ 24b0 27w½1,5009,5
31Palmer Vincent1716ENG 13w½ 17b0 19w0 14b010011
32Jones Graeme1693ENG 16w0 12b0 27b0 29w½10010

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (DE)
Tie Break2: Number of wins including byes (WIN)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)