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41st Bury St Edmunds Congress Major (U1900)

Last update 20.10.2024 18:32:50, Creator/Last Upload:

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Round 1 on 2024/10/19 at 0930

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
11Willoughby, Christopher18880 1 - 00 Newton, Peter176417
218Levy, Christopher A17570 ½ - ½0 Pack, James18682
33Ruthen, Stephen W18680 1 - 00 Willoughby, Andrew P175219
420Harman-Bishop, Adrian17500 0 - 10 Nelson, Stuart18574
55Hartland, Andrew D18470 1 - 00 Nickals, Peter A174921
622Heffer, Judith17340 0 - 10 Mcmahon, Paul18396
77Gaffney, Samuel18210 ½ - ½0 Yelverton, Ben172324
825Palmer, Vincent17160 ½ - ½0 Wheeler, James M18188
99Irwin, James18100 ½ - ½0 Galletti, Armando170026
1027Jones, Graeme16930 0 - 10 Bowers, Francis J179110
1111Briginshaw, James A17900 1 - 00 Bellano, Harry163328
1229Qin, Charlie16120 1 - 00 Kenning, Paul H178813
1314Perkins, Chris17740 ½ - ½0 Wilde, Grace159030
1431Flynn, Chris15890 ½ - ½0 Dean, Robert A177115
1516Kirkham, Ed17680 1 - 00 Richmond, Charles J155432
1612Chan, Anthony17880 ½ not paired 
1723Duke, Taylor17260 ½ not paired