With this selection 4 games were found.

Game-Database of Chess Results

Remark: Upper and lower case does not make any difference. One of the fields marked with *) must be entered.

Last name *) First name Fide-ID *) National Ident-Number *) Tournament *) Database Key *) Round from Round to tournament end between Color Result and Maximum number of lines
GameBoard PairingsRes.dbkeyRdTournamentPGNGameID
ShowGM Fier, Alexandr (2540) - FM Guimaraes, Diogo Duarte (2278)0-14099411185º Campeonato Brasileiro Absoluto Fase Final 2018 (Eliminatória) - Natal/RN1. d4 {[%clk 01:30:57]} {[%emt3012076
ShowIM Molina, Roberto Junio Brito (2458) - GM Barbosa, Evandro Amorim (2515)½-½4099411185º Campeonato Brasileiro Absoluto Fase Final 2018 (Eliminatória) - Natal/RN1. d4 {[%clk 01:22:24]} {[%emt3012077
ShowCM Zallio, Luciano De Souza (2268) - GM Mekhitarian, Krikor Sevag (2536)0-14099411185º Campeonato Brasileiro Absoluto Fase Final 2018 (Eliminatória) - Natal/RN1. Nf3 {[%clk 01:30:53]} {[%em3012078
ShowGM Lima, Darcy (2535) - FM Reis, Paulo F. Jatoba De Oliveira (2377)½-½4099411185º Campeonato Brasileiro Absoluto Fase Final 2018 (Eliminatória) - Natal/RN1. d4 {[%clk 01:25:14]} {[%emt3012079