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Die Seite wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 06.04.2024 15:59:23, Ersteller/Letzter Upload: Chess Federation of the Czech Republic

Suche nach Spieler Suchen

Endtabelle nach 9 Runden

Rg.NameEloLand1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPkt. Wtg1  Wtg2  Wtg3 
1IMKlima Lukas2182CZE 38w1 16s1 15w1 7s1 8w1 9s½ 3w1 5s½ 2w½7,54658,541,5
Lecki Leonard2048POL 50s1 18w1 3s0 33w1 12s1 23w1 9w1 8s1 1s½7,542,55537,5
3Zvolanek Jan1923CZE 87w1 37s1 2w1 6s1 9w½ 7s1 1s0 4w½ 21s1745,55638,5
Jendrowiak Maciej2035POL 51w1 39s1 13w0 28s1 16w1 11s1 6w1 3s½ 5w½74354,536,5
FMVrana Frantisek2055CZE 49w1 35s1 11w1 8s0 17w1 21s1 13w1 1w½ 4s½742,55537,5
Mrva Marek2062CZE 73s1 66w1 12s1 3w0 24s1 10w1 4s0 30w1 14s17405136
Witczak Borys2034POL 57s1 27w1 23s1 1w0 31s1 3w0 12s1 32s1 15w1739,551,535
8Wojs Alicja1995POL 54s1 47w1 40s1 5w1 1s0 22w1 26s1 2w0 10s½6,5425437,5
IMVesselovsky Serguei2167CZE 42s1 43w1 30s1 14w1 3s½ 1w½ 2s0 21w½ 24s16,541,55436,5
Dylong Antoni1988POL 36w1 64s1 20w½ 53s1 21w½ 6s0 17w1 13s1 8w½6,539,550,534,5
Jelinek Marek1945CZE 58s1 45w1 5s0 75w1 66s1 4w0 46s½ 27w1 26s16,5364732,5
12Janco Darius1940SVK 59w1 29s1 6w0 64s1 2w0 18s1 7w0 46w1 39s164051,530
FMLys Josef1942CZE 55s1 81w1 4s1 22w0 48s1 14w1 5s0 10w0 33s1639,55034
Kubik Rafal1996POL 88w1 34s1 17w1 9s0 63w1 13s0 16w1 25s1 6w06394934
Fryc Lukas1983CZE 70s1 61w1 1s0 18w1 23s0 33w1 19s1 34w1 7s0638,55032
Bjolek Jan1880CZE 77s1 1w0 42s1 46w1 4s0 45w1 14s0 38w1 32s163849,529
Kotlar Jarmil1917CZE 74s1 71w1 14s0 45w1 5s0 47w1 10s0 48w1 34s1636,547,530
Podlesny Petr1834CZE 93w1 2s0 36w1 15s0 68w1 12w0 69s1 55w1 31s1634,54527
Marko Anton1929SVK 78s½ 56w1 31s½ 61w½ 25w½ 64s1 15w0 45s1 36w163342,528,5
Cudnik Andrzej1904POL 94s1101w1 10s½ 21s0 44w0 38w1 61s1 22w½ 30s16334129,5
21Podlesny Pavel1957CZE 69s1 60w1 22s½ 20w1 10s½ 5w0 23s1 9s½ 3w05,541,552,533
FMSobek Jaroslav2064CZE 79w1 63s1 21w½ 13s1 32w½ 8s0 34w½ 20s½ 23w½5,5374732
Staniczek Kacper1911POL 76w1100s1 7w0 41s1 15w1 2s0 21w0 62w1 22s½5,53746,530,5
Vranova Zdenka1938CZE 91s1 52w0 38s1 47w1 6w0 28s½ 53w1 35s1 9w05,5364629
Plechacek Matej1658CZE 30s0 98w1 27s1 43w1 19s½ 35s1 32w½ 14w0 40s½5,53644,529,5
FMCempel Jaroslav1962CZE 68w1 53s½ 52s1 32w0 61s1 44w1 8w0 28s1 11w05,53545,531
Tkadlecek Petr1800CZE 96w1 7s0 25w0 82s1 87w1 31w½ 37s1 11s0 50w+5,5334326
Stana Lukas1801CZE 81s0 91w1 70s1 4w0 69s1 24w½ 50s1 26w0 51s15,5324226
Glajc Nikodem1761POL 99s1 12w0 81s1 31w0 52s½ 37w0 91s1 70w1 58s15,529,53824,5
30Vysoglad Petr1950CZE 25w1 44s1 9w0 39s½ 53w1 32s½ 41w1 6s0 20w053849,530
Cizek Petr1929CZE 82w1 62s½ 19w½ 29s1 7w0 27s½ 42w½ 44s1 18w0536,54728
Didi Jan1944CZE 83w½ 65s1 62w1 26s1 22s½ 30w½ 25s½ 7w0 16w0535,54631,5
Vizner Jaroslav1850CZE 37w0 82s1 88w1 2s0 36w1 15s0 49w1 42s1 13w0535,54625
Brida Lukas1833SVK 84s1 14w0 54s½ 78w1 51s1 50w1 22s½ 15s0 17w053544,529
Plhak Marek1854CZE 80s1 5w0 50s½ 54w1 62s1 25w0 48s1 24w0 46s½534,54527
Malik Vojtech1693CZE 10s0104w1 18s0 81w1 33s0 71w1 47s1 43w1 19s0534,54323
Vydra David1482CZE 33s1 3w0 44w½ 62s0 79w1 29s1 27w0 64s1 41w½533,54424
Kubanyi Robert1737CZE 1s0 77w1 24w0 76s1100w1 20s0 65w1 16s0 63w1533,54323
Bausano Michael1845CZE 97s1 4w0 57s1 30w½ 50s0 54w1 62s½ 73w1 12w053342,526,5
Kolar Stanislav1882CZE 86w1 92s1 8w0 48s0 42w½ 51w1 44s½ 41s½ 25w½53342,526,5
Vanek Martin1757CZE 52s0 74w1 71s1 23w0 72s1 43w1 30s0 40w½ 37s½53342,525,5
Jurcek Adrian1732CZE 9w0 86s1 16w0 67s1 40s½ 75w1 31s½ 33w0 66s153342,523
Lajdamik Kinga1880POL 67w1 9s0 79w1 25s0 49w1 41s0 88w1 36s0 62w153241,525
Spala Jiri1775CZE 98s1 30w0 37s½ 97w1 20s1 26s0 40w½ 31w0 68s153240,526
Buszka Pawel1759POL105w1 11s0 92w1 17s0 89w1 16s0 68w1 19w0 69s15324025
Lackova Ludmila1756CZE 92w0 76s1102w1 16s0 80w1 63s1 11w½ 12s0 35w½531,54026
Tylecek Drahomir1791CZE103w1 8s0 72w1 24s0 86w1 17s0 36w0 80s1 73w1531,54024
Cyron Karel1755CZE 71s0 94w1101s1 40w1 13w0 66s1 35w0 17s0 67w153138,526
Repak Jan1726CZE 5s0 80w1 66s0 94w1 43s0 52w1 33s0 72w1 61s1530,540,521
50Kriebel Rudolf1723CZE 2w0 89s1 35w½ 65s1 39w1 34s0 28w0 52s1 27s-4,534,54524,5
Bicik Martin1720CZE 4s0 97w½ 55s1 56w1 34w0 40s0 59w1 53s1 28w04,533,54322
Nemec Petr0CZE 41w1 24s1 26w0 63s0 29w½ 49s0 79w1 50w0 88s14,533,54223,5
Krampol Vladimir1789CZE 95s1 26w½ 78s1 10w0 30s0 74w1 24s0 51w0 77s14,53241,525
Lackova Lucie1707CZE 8w0 96s1 34w½ 35s0 97w1 39s0 67w0 78s1 83w14,5293819,5
Ferenc Denis1640CZE 13w0105s½ 51w0 92s1 65w½100s1 75w1 18s0 56s½4,52835,520
Petrov Nikolaj1755CZE 65w½ 19s0105w1 51s0 78w0 82s1 83w1 67s½ 55w½4,527,53520
Nespor Ivan1720CZE 7w0 93s1 39w0 89s0 84w1 86s1 63w½ 61w½ 60s½4,5273720
Peterek Zbynek1655CZE 11w0102s0 65w0 96s1 90w1 80s1 64w1 63s½ 29w04,52735,519
Glajc Ireneusz1576POL 12s0106w1 61s0101w1 75s½ 62w0 51s0 97s1 79w14,5243019,5
Alexandr Petr1767CZE102w1 21s0100w0 87s0 67w0105s1 93w1 86s1 57w½4,521,528,518,5
61Hapka Tomas1783CZE 90w1 15s0 59w1 19s½ 26w0 78s1 20w0 57s½ 49w04354424
Reterski Wiktor1738POL106s1 31w½ 32s0 37w1 35w0 59s1 39w½ 23s0 43s0434,54024,5
Pohludka Ondrej1870CZE 85s1 22w0 73s1 52w1 14s0 46w0 57s½ 58w½ 38s043342,524,5
Simon David1791CZE104s1 10w0 69s1 12w0 70s1 19w0 58s0 37w0 90s1432,54122
Skorupa Tobias0CZE 56s½ 32w0 58s1 50w0 55s½ 72w1 38s0 69w0 94s14324019
Trombik Karel1857CZE 89w1 6s0 49w1100s1 11w0 48w0 73s0 87s1 42w0431,540,524
Mynar Krystof1523CZE 43s0 73w0 99s1 42w0 60s1 70w½ 54s1 56w½ 48s0431,53918
Stefan Ales1669CZE 26s0 95w1 75s0 71w1 18s0 77w1 45s0 84s1 44w04314020
Kilian Zdenek1667CZE 21w0 90s1 64w0103s1 28w0 89s1 18w0 65s1 45w04303820
Machala Petr1678CZE 15w0103s1 28w0 90s1 64w0 67s½ 78w1 29s0 74w½429,537,519,5
Robenek Bronislav0CZE 48w1 17s0 41w0 68s0 76w1 36s0 80w0105s1 87w1429,53717
Tomala Adam1631CZE -0 99w1 47s0102s1 41w0 65s0 74w1 49s0 89w1428,535,518
Schoffer Martin1729CZE 6w0 67s1 63w0 86s0 93w1 87s1 66w1 39s0 47s04283820
Slamecka David1546CZE 17w0 41s0 93w1 79s½ 83w1 53s0 72s0 91w1 70s½4283717,5
Gemsa Matous1804CZE100w0 87s1 68w1 11s0 59w½ 42s0 55s0 82w½ 86w1427,53619,5
Pirhala Ladislav1531CZE 23s0 46w0 95s1 38w0 71s0 90w0101s1 96w1 93s14263313
Najdkova Laura1527CZE 16w0 38s0103w0 95s1 92w1 68s0100w1 88s1 53w0424,532,516
78Palarcik Matej1554CZE 19w½ 83s1 53w0 34s0 56s1 61w0 70s0 54w0 98s13,53038,518,5
Martinak Tomas1729CZE 22s0 85w1 43s0 74w½ 37s0 81w1 52s0 90w1 59s03,53038,517
Tarielashvili Kira1484CZE 35w0 49s0 91s1 88w1 46s0 58w0 71s1 47w0 82s½3,5303816,5
Najdek Jonas1414CZE 28w1 13s0 29w0 36s0 82w½ 79s0105w1 83s0 99w13,52936,515,5
Kluz Rostislav1556CZE 31s0 33w0 84s1 27w0 81s½ 56w0 98s1 75s½ 80w½3,52936,514
Krzystala Tymoteusz1642POL 32s½ 78w0 97s0105w1 74s0 98w1 56s0 81w1 54s03,52531,516,5
Stix Jachym1465CZE 34w0 88s0 82w0106s1 57s0 99w1 94s1 68w0 91s½3,523,528,513,5
Kubelka Jaroslav1520CZE 63w0 79s0 90w0 98s0 95w0102s1 92w1 99s½ 97w13,520269
86Cernik Ondrej1527CZE 40s0 42w0 98s1 73w1 47s0 57w0103s1 60w0 75s0329,536,516
Barcik Peter1549CZE 3s0 75w0104s1 60w1 27s0 73w0 96s1 66w0 71s0328,537,516
Mikesz Petr1710CZE 14s0 84w1 33s0 80s0103w1 94w1 43s0 77w0 52w0328,536,517
Klimes Martin1505CZE 66s0 50w0106s1 57w1 45s0 69w0 90s0 95w1 72s03283315
Hrckova Anna0CZE 61s0 69w0 85s1 70w0 58s0 76s1 89w1 79s0 64w032734,514
Tvardek Pavel1566CZE 24w0 28s0 80w0104s1 98w½ 97s1 29w0 74s0 84w½32734,513
Reterski Igor0POL 46s1 40w0 45s0 55w0 77s0 96w0 85s0106w1104s13273212
Kuncicky Radim1471CZE 18s0 57w0 74s0 99w1 73s0 95w1 60s0101w1 76w0326,53412
Koch Pavel1529CZE 20w0 48s0 96w1 49s0102w1 88s0 84w0100s1 65w0325,533,514
Carnevale Dennis0CZE 53w0 68s0 76w0 77w0 85s1 93s0102w1 89s0100w1323,5309
Kolder Vojtech1086CZE 27s0 54w0 94s0 58w0106w1 92s1 87w0 76s0101s1323,528,510
97Starenka Karina1481UKR 39w0 51s½ 83w1 44s0 54s0 91w0104s1 59w0 85s02,528,535,514
Kisiel Mateusz0POL 44w0 25s0 86w0 85w1 91s½ 83s0 82w0102s1 78w02,52532,510,5
Malik Rostislav0CZE 29w0 72s0 67w0 93s0104w1 84s0106w1 85w½ 81s02,52429,59
100Stix Vitek1437CZE 75s1 23w0 60s1 66w0 38s0 55w0 77s0 94w0 95s022937,516
Srba Jiri0CZE -1 20s0 48w0 59s0105s0103w1 76w0 93s0 96w0225,53313
Lysek Vaclav0CZE 60s0 58w1 46s0 72w0 94s0 85w0 95s0 98w0106s1225,530,59
Srba Oliver1008CZE 47s0 70w0 77s1 69w0 88s0101s0 86w0104w0105s1221,5288
Burkot Matyas1051CZE 64w0 36s0 87w0 91w0 99s0106s1 97w0103s1 92w0220256
105Nemec Jakub0CZE 45s0 55w½ 56s0 83s0101w1 60w0 81s0 71w0103w01,526,5339
106Spisak Matej0CZE 62w0 59s0 89w0 84w0 96s0104w0 99s0 92s0102w002127,50

Wtg1: Buchholz (variabel)
Wtg2: Buchholz (variabel)
Wtg3: Fidewertung