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Tandemturnier Uni Wien

Last update 24.04.2005 00:15:30, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNamePts. TB1 
122Staberhofer Sachsenhofer M.849,00
22Blocher Scheffknecht650,00
311Lechner Flasik648,50
415Pridal Mencik648,00
523Steiner Itzenthaler645,50
614Pichler Wanderer637,50
712Mueller Pecha637,00
83Chulis Böhm552,00
910Krumphals Klinkan548,00
105Exler V Hofbauer546,50
1117Rampler Sachsenhofer W.534,50
1220Sekyra Karlusch444,00
1318Redl Kumpfmueller443,00
146Frank+Grilz+ Perhinig443,00
151Bernhard Feichtner436,50
164Easa Schirhagl434,00
1716Rabl Reichmann433,00
1819Rohringer Thoma432,50
199Kirisits Pecher M3,539,00
208Kirchnawy Wilhelm3,538,00
217Jelinek Kuetzmits332,00
2224Wagstaetter Ritzer331,50
2313Payrits Unger233,00
2421Slattery Thurner036,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (all Results)