Feldgrösse (Pixel): 42 52 64 74 84

Cezar, Ricardo De Almeida (1735) - Lima, Darcy (2507)

[%evp 9,56,3,6,-10,1,6,0,7,7,0,8,-1,0,2,0,0,0,-16,-12,-19,-8,-19,-17,-49,-23, -41,-43,-81,-79,-102,-99,-78,-37,-49,-33,-39,-23,-53,-42,-76,-62,-60,-63,-100, -112,-202,-189,-317,-305] 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 g6 3.e3 Bg7 4.Nf3 d6 5.h3 O-O 6.Bh2 A48: 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 g6: Torre, London and Colle Systems. Nbd7 6...b6 is becoming the main line. 7.Be2 a6 [#] 8.c4 The position is equal. [ Predecessor: 8.a4 Qe8 9.O-O e5 10.c4 Qe7 11.Nc3 c6 12.Qb3 Ne8 13.Rfd1 Kh8 14.a5 f5 15.dxe5 dxe5 0-1 (46) Sillye,K (2195)-Orso,M (2410) Budapest 1996 ]]
8...b6 9.Nc3 Bb7 10.O-O Ne4 11.Nxe4 Bxe4 12.Nd2 Bb7 13.Bf3 Bxf3 14.Nxf3 b5 15.cxb5 axb5 16.Qe2 Qb8 17.Rfc1 Qb7 18.Nd2 c5 19.Nb3 [%cal Rd4c5] cxd4 20.Nxd4 Bxd4 [ 20...b4-/+ ]]
21.exd4=+ Nf6 [%cal Bd7f6,Bf6d5, Bd5c3,Bc3e2][%mdl 32] 22.Bf4 Ra4 23.Be3 Rfa8 24.Qc2 Nd5 Black is more active. 25.b3 Ra3 [%mdl 128] White needs to defend precisely. 26.Qd2 b4 27.Qc2 [ 27.Rcb1-/+ might work better. ]
27...Nc3-+ [%cal Ra3a2] 28.Bd2 [ 28.Qd3 ]
28...Ne2+ Weighted Error Value: White=0.25 (precise) / Black=0.05 (flawless) [Worse is 28...Nxa2 29.Re1-/+ ; 28...Rxa2 29.Rxa2 Rxa2 30.Qd3-/+ ]


The chess pieces created by Colin M.L. Burnett. are distributed under the terms of GFDL & BSD & GPL.