FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Because my forum was used rather seldom, I have stopped it and have replaced it with this FAQ page.

I receive many requests to Swiss manager and Chess-Results.com. Here I will publish questions of general interest.

2 Can I upload the games to chess-results.com?

1) Open the PGN-File dialog (Menu-Item Other / PGN-Files...)
2) Select the PGN input file
3) Select the PGN output file
4) Select necessary parameters (rounds..)
5) click "Adjust PGN-file". Now the data in the PGN-File are compared with the Swiss-Manager data (Names, Results..)
6) If a message is shown, (wrong result or name not found) click "Open PGN-File" (or open with chess-base) and correct the result/name and start with 5) If you output an empty PGN-File with button "Output empty PGN-File" and use this file for entering the games, then there should be no problem.
7) If no error occurs then select the option "special database Exportformat chess-results-server". The extension of the outputfile is changed to *.psq
8) click "Adjust PGN-file" again
9) click "Game Upload to chess-result.com

It is recommended to upload every round ALL games. The reason is, that the keys of the game database is the starting rank number of the players. If the starting rank number is changed (for example changing rating and resort), then the games are linked to the wrong players.
