January 1st is a rest day. In Rilton Cup 2024/2025, no draw offer before move 31.
Open for players with an Elo-rating = 2200 or junior (2004 or later) or women players with a rating =2100 The winner of the previous Rilton ELO tournament is also eligible to play.

Rilton Cup 2024/2025

OrganizadorStockholms Chess Federation (IO Jonas Sandbom, 1712551)
FederaciónSuecia ( SWE )
Director del TorneoIO/IA Jonas Sandbom (1712551)
Árbitro principalIO/IA Jonas Sandbom (1712551)
ÁrbitroNA Per Brodén (1713922); NA Jaydev Saha (5048605)
Control de tiempo (Standard)40 moves in 90 minutes, followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game, with an increment of 30 sec
LugarStockholm (Scandic Continental)
Number of rounds9
Tournament typeSistema Suizo
Cálculo de eloElo internacional
Fecha2024/12/27 al 2025/01/05
Programa de emparejamientoSwiss-Manager de Heinz HerzogArchivo de Swiss-Manager

Última actualización19.07.2024 06:52:17, Propietario/Última carga: Stockholms Schackförbund

Selección de torneoRILTON CUP, RILTON ELO, RILTON 1800
EnlacesPágina web del organizador, FaceBook, Instagram, GoogleMaps, Youtube, Enlazar el torneo al calendario de torneos
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Ranking inicial

IMSeo, Jung min1734687SWE246924690
IMFrancis Xavier, Manish Anto Cristiano25095927IND232323230
IMmerikivi, Saara521914FIN220022000