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Tsaghkadzor Open-2024 Tournament A

Last update 08.10.2024 15:19:04, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Academy of Armenia

Player overview for CHN

32Gong Sunle2226CHN½1½½1½0105264060,80A
57Zhou Shumeng2082CHN0½0½01½1½45540-20,40A

Results of the last round for CHN

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
9812IMZverev LevFID24485 1 - 05 Gong SunleCHN222632
92667Abrahamyan RadikARM2026 ½ - ½ Zhou ShumengCHN208257

Player details for CHN

Gong Sunle 2226 CHN Rp:2360 Pts. 5
171CMYarikov Artem2012RUS4w ½-0,2740-10,80
261Azimi Amir Mohammad2060IRI3,5s 10,284011,20
39IMDavtyan Artur2467ARM6w ½0,304012,00
415IMPiliposyan Robert2403ARM6s ½0,23409,20
513IMPingin Artem2438RUS6w 10,774030,80
611GMGoganov Aleksey2463RUS6s ½0,304012,00
78GMGharibyan Mamikon2472ARM6w 0-0,1940-7,60
856CMSuslov Dmitrii2089FID4,5s 10,324012,80
912IMZverev Lev2448FID6s 0-0,2240-8,80
Zhou Shumeng 2082 CHN Rp:2042 Pts. 4
118IMDavtyan Arsen2377ARM5,5s 0-0,1540-6,00
234Arakelyan Manvel2210ARM4,5w ½0,17406,80
336Mogheyseh Abolfazl2193IRI2,5s 0-0,3540-14,00
472Avetisyan Ani2010ARM3s ½-0,1040-4,00
575Harutyunyan Arman G.1947ARM4,5w 0-0,6840-27,20
666WCMRouda Essa Alserkal2036UAE2w 10,444017,60
774Askanazyan Gor1955ARM3s ½-0,1740-6,80
870Ghayourifar Ali2015IRI3,5w 10,414016,40
967Abrahamyan Radik2026ARM4s ½-0,0840-3,20