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C-Section Smart Chess Blitz

Last update 07.09.2024 13:04:36, Creator/Last Upload: Anjurie De Wet

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Starting rank

1Fourie, Ethan0
2Jonas, Oratilwe0
3Litheko, BokamoshoRSA0
4Madibe, Jonathan0
5McPherson, Lilly0
6Moahluli, Kananelo0
7Mokgele, Lesedi0
8Mosala, Karabo0
9Naidoo, Zachary0
10Nchake, Khalalelo0
11Nophale, Samkelo0
12Nthapo, Relebohile0
13Plaatjie, Sibusiso0
14Potgieter, Divan0
15Ramotubei, Tumisang0