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Tsogo Sun Moves For Life Learners Tournament U9s 2024

Last update 31.08.2024 15:00:53, Creator/Last Upload: George Lawerlot

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Starting rank

1Fillies, EliRSA1200
2Fourie, FatimaRSA1200
3Geland, BritneyRSA1200
4Kapp, LocheRSA1200
5Smith, Hope LyniqueRSA1200
6Titus, EmpressRSA1200
7Van Schalkwyk, OckertRSA1184
8Bennett, DaniqueRSA1170
9Claassen, Amy-LeeRSA1170
10Olckers, NezleeRSA1165
11Gombani, RaphaelleRSA1164
12Seconds, RoshinRSA1139
13Modupe, LesegoRSA1051
14Booysen, ToufeeqWEG0
15Meyer, RyuWEG0
16Bezuidenhout, BeaudinWEG0
17Brand, LirinaWEG0
18Brown, ZoeyWEG0
19Bruintjies, GranishaWEG0
20Bukwele, MilisaWEG0
21Cameron, TyrellWEG0
22Duitsjan, LukeWEG0
23Fielies, RenescoWEG0
24Fillies, RayvinioWEG0
25Heunis, CJWEG0
26Jackals, EthanWEG0
27Joseph, JairusWEG0
28Kannemeyer, EliWEG0
29Kannemeyer, ReynickWEG0
30Kettledas, CleoRSA0
31Kibido, SandaWEG0
32Kiewiet, KeavanWEG0
33Kiewiet, SheriqueWEG0
34Lamani, AlakheWEG0
35Mbalo, KungawoWEG0
36Mfundisi, UbuhleWEG0
37Mgibe, IminathiWEG0
38Michaels, Kurtwil- LeeWEG0
39Mpangani, LunjeWEG0
40Mpinda, MakabongweWEG0
41Nkonyana, IvakeleWEG0
42October, PeytonWEG0
43Palmer, ZoeyWEG0
44Petersen, NeilynneWEG0
45Prins, LuthandoWEG0
46Raubenheimer, JosiasWEG0
47Roman, LecheWEG0
48Samela, AkhahlameWEG0
49Sikoko, SisoWEG0
50Theunissen, TaineeshaWEG0
51Tshefu, EthanWEG0
52Williams, ChanelleWEG0