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Players should be born on or after 01.01.2005
The school name of each player is necessary, so if the school name is not showing along with the name, please WhatsApp on this number 7348661765 (Aditya Kumar Dwivedi) with your name, school name and age category.

UP State Rating Inter School Chess Tournament 2024 (Under 19 Girls) State Event Code:- 101/NOIDA/2024

Last update 08.09.2024 14:42:52, Creator/Last Upload: Aditya Kumar Dwivedi

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Starting rank

1Advaita Gautam,IND0Neo Dales Montessori School, Morada
2Jiya Baisoya,IND0
3Krsiha Yadav,IND0KVS Noida
4Parineeta Muni,IND0Kendriya Vidyalaya Sector 24 Noida
5Paromita Barua,25137459IND0Cambridge School Noida
6Vritti Jain,429095123IND0Nehru World School