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5th BC Trials U16 A

Last update 26.08.2024 08:09:55, Creator/Last Upload: Ashley Vermaak

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Starting rank

1Maipo, TakundaRSA1454Dordrecht High
2Maweni, CwengaRSA1377Port Rex THS
3Njenjesi, LukhanyisoRSA1371Queen's College Boys High
4Pikom, ImaRSA1355Dordrecht
5Magxidolo, MivuyoRSA1321Queen's College Boys High School
6Mayo, EsinayeRSA1310Port Rex THS
7Furstenburg, OlivierRSA1307Port Rex THS
8Schutte, AdrianRSA1304Selborne College
9Brown, ChristopherRSA1293Port Rex THS
10Tshandu, PhawuRSA1273Queens College Boys' High School
11Similo, EsonaRSA1255Hudson Park High School
12Semwogerere, JosephRSA1236Queen's College Boys' High School
13Bele, AkahlumaRSA1231Hudson park
14Magobiyane, SandileRSA1231West Bank High School
15Bijumon, ReshikeshRSA1220Queen's College Boys' High School
16Fanteso, InothandoRSA1216Hudson park
17Magwentshu, BalaRSA1210Queen's College Boys' High School
18Isaacs, ThurstonRSA1201Port Rex THS
19Mazele, YolisaRSA1200Hudson Park
20Njova, AwongaRSA1197Port Rex THS
21Dowa, MakanakaRSA1187Port Rex THS
22Mjiji, MilaniRSA1163Port Rex THS
23Hutu, LikhoRSA0Get ahead College
24Shenxane, SomeleleRSA0Queen's College Boys' High School