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2024 NC Closed Chess Championships Under 14 Open

Last update 25.08.2024 12:55:58, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

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Starting rank

1Rusford, Chad JasonRSA1520De Aar Chess Club
2Mathamela, BokangRSA1465Hurricanes Chess Club
3Ross, EbenezerRSA1464Kimberley Chess Club
4Matthys, AydenRSA1449Kimberley Chess Club
5Lengo, Divengele AmbroRSA1285JTG Knights Chess Club
6Tom, KamogeloRSA1273Hurricanes Chess Club
7Kitengye, ArchangeRSA1268De Aar Chess Club
8Snyman, JanRSA1228De Aar Chess Club
9Mayanja, BrianahRSA1218Hotazel Chess Club
10Claassen, JoshuaRSA1215De Aar Chess Club
11Jobs, LiraRSA1197Crystal Palace Chess Club
12Motsoane, IsaacRSA1197Hotazel Chess Club
13Abrahams, ElaineRSA1196Crystal Palace Chess Club
14Morake, DidintleRSA1189Moja Chess Club
15Ntshekang, LeruriRSA1171Moja Chess Club
16Claassen, David ChristianRSA1170De Aar Chess Club
17Potgieter, Martin-JuanRSA1170Hopetown Chess Club
18Pretorius, JohannesRSA1168Hopetown Chess Club
19Louw, JasonRSA1145Kimberley Chess Club
20Mothelesi, OratilweRSA1128Kimberley Chess Club
21Biko, LihlumileRSA1114De Aar Chess Club
22Van Heerden, AshmillaRSA0Crystal Palace Chess Club