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2do Torneo Rapido de Ajedrez de Juana Diaz (Abierta)

Darrera actualització01.09.2024 20:26:06, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

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Rànquing inicial

1FMAlmedina Ortiz, Edgardo J.3100197PUR2063
2FMRodriguez Santiago, Jaime3100898PUR2020
3CMBoggiano Pereira, Miguel A.3102750PUR1999
4Beauchamp Perez, Angel A.3103641PUR1936
5Matos Santoni, Gamalier3102009PUR1888
6Velazquez Rivera, Pedro J.3105474PUR1795
7Done Sanchez, Andrews J.3112861PUR1759
8Rivera Valentin, Christian Z.3110818PUR1672
9Rivera Vega, Javier3110877PUR1660
10Pedrosa Rivera, Joshua3110850PUR1612
11Gonzalez Segarra, Abel3112705PUR1603
12Colon Perez, Ian M.3112195PUR1598
13Rivera Irizarry, Denzel F.3112446PUR0
14Torres Cintron, AlfredoPUR0