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2024 Jacaranda Round Robin Open Chess Tournament u8

Last update 17.08.2024 16:10:41, Creator/Last Upload: Anneline Reyneke

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Starting rank

1Koorts, LukasRSA1600
2Bekker, JacobusRSA1292
3Simao, RaulRSA1282
4Ramonyai, MbhekeniRSA1214
5Le Roux, AnyeRSA1209
6Mlotshwa, LubanziRSA1200
7Ntuli, SiphesihleRSA1196
8Sikhuza, MmušiRSA1192
9Conradie, MarcusRSA1168
10Collen, Videl0
11Jansen van Vuuren, ClanaRSA0
12Manyau, Anenyasha0