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5th BC Trails U12 B

Last update 19.08.2024 08:45:54, Creator/Last Upload: Ashley Vermaak

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Starting rank

1Tumbare, NicoleRSA1337Clarendon Primary
2Selanto-Chairman, NomvuzoRSA1199Gonubie Primary School
3Mangwane, SamuelRSA1198Voorpos
4Zukelwa, MivuyoRSA1198Gonubie primary school
5Mantanga, AsenathiRSA1197Voorpos
6Simandla, SinakhoRSA1197Voorpos
7Lufuso, MilisaRSA1196Voorpos
8Van Der Merwe, DarinRSA1194West Bank High School
9Majiza, IsandiseleRSA1184Voorpos
10Tayi, MilaniRSA1179Clarendon Primary
11Kahindi, SalomeRSA1173Clarendon Primary
12Mashiyi, MoyomhleRSA1173Voorpos
13Ntoyakhe, InamandlaRSA1154Clarendon primary
14Dawson, NahumRSA0West Bank High
15Mhlwa, NdalentlweRSA0Voorpos
16MSINGATHA, JolynRSA0WestBank Hogh School
17Bloem, LenorahRSA1197
18Mackiki, IbenathiRSA0