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Last update 17.08.2024 17:06:59, Creator/Last Upload: Madeleine Hugo

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Starting rank

1Chipunza, Jared14346850RSA1624
2Clainos, Spiro14360934RSA1623
3Mangala, Sibonelo14360985RSA1591
4Banda, Benjamin14358492RSA1553
5Coetzee, Schalk14360942RSA1551
6Claassen, Enrique14350513RSA1517
7Mclachlan, Geoffrey14376468RSA1484
8Step, Nicholas14375990RSA1481
9Ranjith, Aishwarya14370778RSA1454
10Barry, Tyler14370689RSA1422
11Coetzee, Samual14370140RSA1418
12Smith, Andre14347032RSA1382
13De Jager, Jaeden14389673RSA1350
14Norris, Britney14361000RSA1342
15Koutsouvelis, Joshua14370182RSA1341
16Nel, Liam14389738RSA1320
17Prinsloo, Liam14358603RSA1305
18Norris, Nathan14361019RSA1301
19Botlhole, Erato14390957RSA1241
20Boggenpoel, Blake14362740RSA1230
21Van Greunen, Melaney14370115RSA1227
22Heneke, Ruan14389681RSA1223
23Gukurume, BulelaniRSA1202
24Surmon, Ethan14389770RSA1187
25Arries, Jayde14389649RSA1173
26Arries, Keaton14389657RSA1156
27Namba, AvuthandoRSA0
28Oliphant, YomeleleRSA0
29Septoo, Chad CamdenRSA0
30Sibhidla, AlakheRSA0