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EL Schools Chess All Ages Festival 2024 U18 Open

Last update 03.08.2024 18:48:01, Creator/Last Upload: Xhanti Mafongosi

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Starting rank

1Scheepers, StormRSA1530
2Pearson, DaneRSA1526
3Pearson, EthanRSA1525
4Bixa, TshegofatsoRSA1498w
5Jikijela, AnishaRSA1290w
6Smit, Cedric Jay RRSA1253
7Abrahams, BrandonRSA1234
8Kondlo, SangweniRSA1218
9Noel, MatthewRSA1212
10Davids, TristanRSA1188
11Tshayangezito, IminathiRSA1188
12Khohli, LikhanyeRSA1169
13Bidi, ImithaRSA0
14Chininga, YimbainasheRSA0
15Joka, MasilakheRSA0
16Mamatu, AmilaRSA0
17Mandla, ZinzaRSA0
18Mazenja, AlizwaRSA0
19Mngibisa, MandiliveRSA0
20Mngqinya, SimoRSA0
21Myokwana, ImangeRSA0w
22Ndoro, AmyoliRSA0
23Oyisa, KolisiRSA0
24Pienaar, AthandileRSA0w
25Sopazi, AyahlumaRSA0
26Toho, AcwengileRSA0
27Yawa, ElonaRSA0w