Search for team Szukanie

Tabela wg zajętych miejsc (Pkt)

M-sceDrużyna123456789101112 TB 1  TB 2  TB 3  TB 4 
1Spg. Fürstenfeld-Hartberg * 466451239,506447
2Leoben * 6441238,506390
3Bärnbach42 * 46123606005
4Grazer Schachgesellschaft44 * 4441135,505870
5SK TUS Krieglach4 * 55593205191
6Frauental - FH CAMPUS 023 * 493004880
7Söchau2244 * 555828,504834
8VKM-Postsportverein33 * 5629,504885
9Spg. Feldbach-Kirchberg24 * 2462704510
10SC Pinggau-Friedberg4336 * 8533,505523
11Schachfreunde Graz434 * 643004916
12Trofaiach3302 * 22403909

TB 1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
TB 2: points (game-points)
TB 3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
TB 4: Board Tie-Breaks of the whole tournament