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Mosselbay Top Schools u11 open 2024

Last update 30.07.2024 21:40:00, Creator: Azriel Johnson,Last Upload: George Lawerlot

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Team-Pairings of all rounds

1. Round on 2024/07/27 at 8:00
1  Ericka A  Diaz B:½
2  Ericka B  Diaz A1:5
2. Round on 2024/07/27 at 10:00
1  Diaz B  Diaz A0:5
2  Ericka A  Ericka B4:2
3. Round on 2024/07/27 at 12:00
1  Ericka B  Diaz B3:3
2  Diaz A  Ericka A3:3
4. Round on 2022/08/06
1  Diaz B  Ericka A0:6
2  Diaz A  Ericka B5:1
5. Round on 2022/08/06
1  Diaz A  Diaz B4:1
2  Ericka B  Ericka A0:6
6. Round
1  Diaz B  Ericka B:
2  Ericka A  Diaz A:½