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Last update 27.07.2024 21:00:08, Creator/Last Upload: Petrus Stuurman

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Starting rank

1Van Zyl, ErickRSA1487
2Manton, CharlieRSA1486
3Bruton, CalebRSA1469
4Kammies, ArnoRSA1425
5Fleurs, EliRSA1418
6Seyali, ChristopherRSA1399
7Retief, JohannesRSA1397
8Krieger, NateRSA1295
9Simanase, NkosisiphileRSA1290
10Stolz, JustinRSA1289
11Geldenhuys, MarcellRSA1256
12Prinsloo, EmmanuelRSA1251
13Moller, ConnorRSA1249
14Murry, MorganRSA1232
15Nohana, NtlakaniphoRSA1223
16Blom, AnthonyRSA1222
17Marais, TaurinRSA1206
18Muchenje, TafaranasheRSA1199
19Twazi, EnzokuhleRSA1187
20Potberg, HyroneRSA1181
21Williams, BrendonRSA1166
22Fletcher, EzrinRSA1159
23Barendse, JeanRSA1093
24Bronkhorst, JohanRSA1204
25Louis, KeanuRSA1192