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SLSCA Individual Chess Championship 2024 - Sabaragamuwa Province Under 17 Boys (2007 / 2008)

Last update 28.07.2024 15:03:30, Creator/Last Upload: Sri Lanka School Chess Association

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1Peiris P Gimshan Sathsara1619SRI 19w1 23b1 27w1 7b1 28b½4,51013,514414,5
2Nirwan G L S P1478SRI 20b1 14w1 28b0 29w½ 21b13,5801213,5311
3Serasinghe I P1432SRI -1 16w1 29b½ 32w½ 15b½3,54013,515,5212
4Aberathna W M Sathsindu Indusara0SRI 21w1 27b0 15w0 22b1 31w131301112,538
5Anuranga H H Vihanga0SRI 22b1 28w0 32b0 26w1 30b131401112,538
6Anusara J M Uvindu0SRI 23w0 15b0 19w1 25b1 34w131601010,536
7Bandara K L D N0SRI 24b1 30w1 34b1 1w0 29b14301112,5413
8Chaminidu A T Senila0SRI 25w1 29b0 22w1 23b½ 27w½31501112,529,5
9Chandrasiri D R M S0SRI 26b1 34w0 30b0 17w- -013008,51015
10Chandrasiril D G T M0SRI 27w0 25b1 23w0 33b0 22w½1,52501112,514,5
11Dayananda W H Vinod0SRI 28b- -0 -0 -0 -0032091000
12Dilrukshan D0SRI 29w0 31b0 25w0 13b0 20b003408,59,500
13Dilrukshan K Jey0SRI 30b0 32w0 17b0 12w1 26b01290101012
14Gunawardhana R P A Induwara0SRI 31w1 2b0 26w1 27b½ 33w½312011,513,529,5
15Hedeniya H V I C B0SRI 32b½ 6w1 4b1 28w½ 3w½3,5501316211
16Ilangakoon T S0SRI 33w1 3b0 31w1 34b1 32w½3,59011,513310,5
17Kanishka G0SRI -0 26b0 13w1 9b+ 23w-22309,510,525
18Kanishkar Gnaneshwaran0SRI 34b- -0 -0 -0 -0033091000
19Karunarathna H A S H0SRI 1b0 22w0 6b0 24w+ 25w012801111,512
20Mihiranga N N Sudila0SRI 2w0 33b½ 21w0 31b0 12w11,5260111113
21Nabil M F0SRI 4b0 24w½ 20b1 30w1 2w02,51801011,527
22Navadeep J0SRI 5w0 19b1 8b0 4w0 10b½1,527010,51114,5
23Nethsara M A Tharusha0SRI 6b1 1w0 10b1 8w½ 17b+3,5601314,5310
24Nuwan S D M0SRI 7w0 21b½ 33w0 19b- -00,531011,51302
25Pehesara T M S0SRI 8b0 10w0 12b1 6w0 19b122408824
26Prabuddha W G S0SRI 9w0 17w1 14b0 5b0 13w1222010,511,525
27Ranasinghe M Eshan0SRI 10b1 4w1 1b0 14w½ 8b½310013,515210,5
28Senarathne O M0SRI 11w+ 5b1 2w1 15b½ 1w½42014,516,5313,5
29Senarathne S M R D0SRI 12b1 8w1 3w½ 2b½ 7w0311013,513,5211,5
30Spejan Rajasingham0SRI 13w1 7b0 9w1 21b0 5w0220011,512,528
31Supun B L Tharusha0SRI 14b0 12w1 16b0 20w1 4b02210111126
32Thisera I G T G0SRI 15w½ 13b1 5w1 3b½ 16b½3,5701314211
33Wathsala G K D Uditha0SRI 16b0 20w½ 24b1 10w1 14b½31709,51127,5
34Wijewardhana P G P0SRI 18w+ 9b1 7w0 16w0 6b0219012,514,529

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break4: Number of wins including forfeits and byes (WIN)
Tie Break5: Fide Tie-Break