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Checkmate Challenge 2024 Under 7 Boys [2017]

Last update 27.07.2024 13:38:35, Creator/Last Upload: Ruwantha Lakshan

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Round 1

Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
11Akarsha, E M Vihas Nethma00 0 - 10 Jayalath, R D Kavindu Harshana012
213Jayawickrama, Vishwa Janith Sudirikku00 1 - 00 Arachchi, S K Nissanka02
33Cooray, V Luthika Manuth00 1 - 00 Kodikara, M Ashas Pansilu014
415Madhubhasha, D V P Asmitha00 1 - 00 Coory, T C M Sanuj Hansana04
55Dahanayake, Okindu00 0 - 10 Mahaarachchi, Damsas016
617Nethvidu, R H Uthesh00 1 - 00 Dias, Nelith Dinsara06
78Gamage, Bisandu Geeneth00 0 - 10 Pannigalagamage, Tisandu Nevon018
819Peiris, Mapitiyage Sethuka Dinsara00 0 - 10 Gihansith, G K Saviru09
910Gunaratne, Jevon00 1 - 00 Udangamuwa, E M M Y E020
1021Wickramanayaka, Yethum Sithnila00 0 - 10 Hasarel, W A Dinitha011
1122Wickramasinghe, Okindu Suhas00 1 - 00 Fernando, K S Umal Induwara07