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10º dia ferias

Last update 26.07.2024 17:00:25, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 30)

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Round 5 on 2024/07/26 at 10:00

Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
19Sanches, Yuran03 0 - 14 Correia, David Mateus Galante14531
26Correia, Fábio Mateus Galante03 1 - 03 Ablitt, Finly02
34Calado, Henrique02 0 - 1 Ablitt, Sam03
45Carvalho, Lourenço0 0 - 12 Pinto, Marta015
57Piçarra, Samuel02 1 - 01 Smith, Aurelia010
68Sanches, Adrien01 ½ - ½1 Smith, Valentina013
711Smith, Belamina01 ½ - ½½ Smith, Minti012
816Pinto, Rita01 1 - 0½ Smith, Yago014