XVI Obert Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana 2024 Grup B Id. 383139

Last update 23.09.2024 22:21:47, Creator/Last Upload: Josep M. Jordan Garcia

Tournament selectionGrup A, Grup B, Grup C, Grup D
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters Show tournament details
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule
Ranking crosstable after Round 1, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2/8 , not paired
Ranking list afterRd.1
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Ranking crosstable after Round 1

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Salinas Sellas AbelCAT 60b1 21w1010
Giro Castellet EsteveCAT 61b1 22w1010
Sanchez Eduardo AlbertCAT 62b1 23w1010
AFMGarcia Garrido FerranCAT 63w1 24b1010
Lambert PaulCAT 64b1 26w1010
Carrasco Gomez AriadnaCAT 65w1 25b1010
Cid Ramos XavierCAT 66w1 27b1010
Anton Garcia EricCAT 67b1 28w1010
Negre Pipla JosepCAT 68w1 29b1010
Arcusa Postils EduardCAT 69b1 30w1010
Berbel Gutierrez J. GuillermoCAT 70w1 -01010
Montilla Gordillo MartiCAT 71b1 32w1010
Martin Vineta MiquelCAT 72b1 33w1010
Bosch Ricart JoanCAT 73w1 31b1010
Lopez Torralba OscarCAT 74b1 37w1010
Batalle Mompart CarlesCAT 75w1 34b1010
Egea Guerrero ArnauCAT 76b1 38w1010
Garcia Cachinero JesusCAT 77w1 35b1010
Gaona Gonzalez JoseCAT 78b1 40w1010
Argemi Camp JaumeCAT 80w1 36b1010
Martinez Navarro Josep MCAT 83w1 1b1010
Forca Soler MartiCAT 84b1 2b1010
Romero Gonzalez DenisCAT 85w1 3b1010
Alonso Rodriguez Francisco JavierCAT 86b1 4w1010
Serrano Lopez FernandoCAT 87b1 6w1010
Carrera Font DanielCAT 88w1 5b1010
Martin Rull Enric XavierCAT 89b1 7w1010
Miralles Ferri SalvadorCAT 90w+ 8b1010
Paretas Rosas JosepCAT 91b1 9w1010
Rodriguez Sorribes Jose AntonioCAT 92w1 10b1010
Viaplana Puigdomenech SantiCAT 47b1 14w1010
Lorenzo Gazapo JuampeCAT 48w1 12b1010
Sanchez Hernandez XavierCAT 49w1 13b1010
Vazquez Viladrosa VictorCAT 50b1 16w1010
Arguimbau Chercoles LucasCAT 52b1 18w1010
Sergooris EmmaCAT 53b1 20w1010
Montilla Rodriguez AshtonCAT 55w1 15b1010
Gallardo Portillo Roberto JesusCAT 56w1 17b1010
Oriaifoh Abulu JosephCAT 57b1 41w1010
Solagran Munoz GuillemCAT 51w1 19b1010
41Mateo Hernandez FrancescCAT 43w½ 39b0,500,50
Mas Sayos LluisCAT 44w½ 43b0,500,50
Sales Artigas NilCAT 41b½ 42w0,500,50
Sanchez Hernandez AlexCAT 42b½ 45w0,500,50
45Gonzalez Moreno AntoniCAT -0 44b0000
Llorens Gou JuanCAT -0 -00000
Lozano Alarcon AlejandroCAT 31w0 70b0000
Flores Munoz DanielCAT 32b0 71w0000
Baucells Miralpeix MiguelCAT 33b0 72w0000
Beldie Raimondo-GabrielROU 34w0 73b0000
Farre Muntaner Jose R.CAT 40b0 74w0000
Castaneda Munoz AntonioCAT 35w0 75b0000
Riera Mestres JosepCAT 36w0 77b0000
Delgado Brugue DanielCAT -0 -00000
Auferil Barnils AntoniCAT 37b0 76w0000
Bermejo Piquer AntonioCAT 38b0 78w0000
Permanyer Dvoretskiy VictorCAT 39w0 79b0000
Poble Noguera RamonCAT -0 80b0000
Gomez Sanchez JavierCAT -0 84w0000
Zevallos Medina NicolasCAT 1w0 81b0000
Gonzalez Navarro Carlos ManuelCAT 2w0 83b0000
Turro Mateu PereCAT 3w0 85b0000
Sanchez Rios HilarioCAT 4b0 86w0000
Lopez Sanchez PedroCAT 5w0 88b0000
Cid Marcos LaiaCAT 6b0 87w0000
Autonell Zurita AdriaCAT 7b0 -00000
Sola Olive JosepCAT 8w0 90b0000
Lloret Han XavierCAT 9b0 91w0000
Alabart Paytubi JosepCAT 10w0 92b0000
Casals Sala LianCAT 11b0 47w0000
Espadero Roda FrancescCAT 12w0 48b0000
Boixader Rojas EudaldCAT 13w0 49b0000
Boumaiz Lopez RayanCAT 14b0 50w0000
Genis Traveria FerranCAT 15w0 51b0000
Sobrevias Mas FrancescCAT 16b0 52w0000
Fernandez Marin DanielCAT 17w0 55b0000
Gomez Gimenez JavierCAT 18b0 53w0000
Izquierdo Fuster JoanCAT 19w0 56b0000
Serrat Quesada JoanCAT -0 57w0000
Boumaiz Lopez IsaacCAT 20b0 58w0000
Clapers Galles JordiCAT -0 60w0000
Perez Cometto Luis AlbertoCAT -0 -00000
Agadzhanyan SoniaRUS 21b0 61w0000
Diaz Ecuer Isaac AndresCAT 22w0 59b0000
Mestre Gimenez Marcos AlejandroCAT 23b0 62w0000
Fornieles Zurita MiquelCAT 24w0 63b0000
Vazquez Viladrosa VenusCAT 25w0 65b0000
Lozano Segura OscarCAT 26b0 64w0000
Soto Segura VictorCAT 27w0 -00000
Gonzalez Grima FerranCAT 28b- 67w0000
Corbacho Adelar AranCAT 29w0 68b0000
Homs Alsina TomasCAT 30b0 69w0000

Tie Break1: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable
Tie Break2: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)