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Міжнародний день шахів - Здолбунів 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony23.07.2024 01:17:53, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

Search for player Szukanie

Lista startowa

1IMLabensky, Igor141029271980
2Kirilyuk, Anatoliy141668521865
3Borzenko, Yosyp141409931925
4Naminskiy, Igor141730851944
5Sharansky, Valentin141669681837
6Prokopchuk, Oleg141669251816
7Epik, Pavlo141695681802
8Borysiuk, Petro141667551787
9Formanchuk, Bogdan141668011806
10Tkachuk, Andriy141580861774
11Bryl, Valery141667711758
12Skirkanich, Olexander141669841806
13Sorokin, Oleksandr141696061740
14Hladkevych, Petro341232531636
15Suburay, Volodymyr341154631722
16Bedraty, Myhajlo141667471619
17Stetsuik, Olexiy141669921651
18Slopachuk, Igor341730561672
19Drozd, Oleksiy141736701697
20Gavryluik, Anatoly141668361635
21Lukianchuk, Olexandr0
22Pavlenok, Vitaly141669091696
23Pavlychyk, Dmytro341770001635
24Pidtserkovny, Volodymyr0