Format: Double Round Robin
Group A: Rating 0-1200
(4 places left) Group A - Adult: Rating 0-1200
Group B: Rating 1201-1799/ Winners of group A in previous seasons
(3 places left) Group C (FIDE Rated): Rating 1800+/ Winners of group B in previous seasons

KCA 2024 Season 8 Ranking Tournament 綜合排名賽 (Aug 4th, 18th)

Zadnja izmjena27.07.2024 08:28:56, Creator/Last Upload: Kidult C Academy

LinkoviPočetna Stranica Organizatora, Register here, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
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Overview for groupsA3, B1, C
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Pregled Igrača iz federacije

5Jasper TangHKG0
6Lachlan ChanHKG0