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Chess Power House July Open - Section D

Last update 20.07.2024 19:16:48, Creator/Last Upload: Tshediso Mpya

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Starting rank

1Brits, EtienneRSA1568
2Thorulsley, KairaavRSA1557
3Eapen, JohanRSA1556
4Motau, NeeloRSA1489
5Zhu, Ryan YuanchengRSA1439
6Mann, LeaneRSA1402
7Ma, MatthewRSA1396
8Steyn, KahnRSA1367
9Mistry, KabirRSA1341
10Naidoo, KehanRSA1321
11Senthilkumar, SakaleshRSA1305
12Kuchibhotla, ArjunRSA1265
13Wong, KaylaRSA1260
14Nahon, JamesRSA1254
15Bender, KatelinRSA1246
16Whittaker, LillianRSA1238
17Shi, PeiqiRSA1232
18Akole, SaraRSA1231
19Tau, KemisoRSA1211
20Tau, KemisoRSA1211
21Jacobs, RameezRSA1206
22Shyu, Yu-KaiRSA1202
23Daniels, UrielRSA1195
24Mahale, AgastyaRSA1195
25Dube, SiphekonkeRSA1194
26Wilkinson, ConnorRSA1194
27Kilari, SuveerRSA1192
28Moore, CaelRSA1189
29Simamane, SiphesihleRSA1186
30Niemann, ClaraRSA1157
31Finnemore, EwanRSA0
32Huang, IanRSA0
33Ramabulana, HulisaniRSA0
34Ren, LunaRSA0