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4º dia ferias

Last update 21.07.2024 23:25:17, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 30)

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Starting rank

1Correia, David Mateus Galante1980149POR1453Quinta Marques Da Costa
2Cabral, Martim Pereira1985060POR0Quinta Marques Da Costa
3Coelho, JoãoPOR0
4Correia, Fábio Mateus Galante1980203POR0Quinta Marques Da Costa
5Fernandes, DiogoPOR0
6Gomes, MiguelPOR0
7Gonçalves, MarkoPOR0
8Machado, DinisPOR0
9Sanches, AdrienPOR0
10Sanches, YuranPOR0