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57th Iranian Men Final Chess Championship July 18-26,2024 Rasht/Guilan/Iran

Last update 26.07.2024 12:11:34, Creator/Last Upload: Pourshahmari_HamidReza

Starting rank list of players

4IMTahbaz, Arash12528846IRI2436
7IMAtakhan, Abtin22502203IRI2413
8FMAshraf, Artin22514805IRI2391
10Omidi, Arya12508780IRI2303
9FMRastbod, Ali12567477IRI2270
3Azadi, Amirmohammad22510842IRI2263
12FMHosseinzadeh, Nima12505323IRI2255
6FMNikookar, Mahdi22552987IRI2151
1CMGhoreishi Amiri, Seyed Kian36757527IRI2126
2Hojjatinejad, Ilia22549986IRI2111
5Danesharaste, Arvin22541934IRI2049
11Bahmani, Koorosh42576750IRI1971