
Main Prizes
1st Place: $100 cash + Trophy
2nd Place: $75 cash + Trophy
3rd Place: $50 cash + Trophy
4th and 5th Place: Trophy

Special Prize
Top 3 Women Players : Trophy

Category Prizes (Under 08 and Under 12)
1st Place - Trophy
2nd and 3rd Place - Medal

Whatsapp 83857555 for waiting list.

Go Checkmate 3rd (FIDE Rated) Rapid Chess Tournament - 28 July 2024 - Registration Closed (** Whatsapp 83857555 for waiting list)

最終更新日27.07.2024 15:22:45, Creator/Last Upload: GO CHECKMATE

リンク主催者の公式ホームページ, FaceBook, GoogleMaps, Registration, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
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