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DR KK Gimmies 2024 - U10

Last update 13.07.2024 17:16:10, Creator/Last Upload: Jan-Hendrik Combrink

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Starting rank

1Gouws, PhilipRSA1563
2Gweshe, TinotendaRSA1435
3Van Niekerk, KyleRSA1395
4Combrink, Frederick JohanRSA1311
5Louw, SebastianRSA1305
6Bekker, SimsonRSA1299
7Scholtz, ImkeRSA1296
8Conradie, NandusRSA1227
9Combrink, Nicolaas JohannRSA1199
10Van Staden, Ryan WilliamRSA1187
11Molefe, Countess PoneloRSA1143
12Van Romburgh, LanaRSA1065