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DR KK Gimmies 2024 - F Beginners

Last update 13.07.2024 17:15:39, Creator/Last Upload: Jan-Hendrik Combrink

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Starting rank

1Pretorius, BernoRSA1226
2Nel, Hazel-GraceRSA1199
3Ntjana, LuckyRSA1198
4Els, JacoRSA1196
5Paarlberg, KatrijnRSA1195
6Broodryk, WanruRSA1193
7Manana, LonwaboRSA1188
8Polorie, OnneileRSA1184
9Louw, LouisRSA1183
10Tsatchoume, StanelyRSA1182
11Mosweu, LesediRSA1152
12Mahlangu, TshegofatsoRSA0